I looked down on the monster before me barely touching the barrier that was already there before my wings unfolded. The three of us sent a claw-like shock wave tearing the beast to shreds before seemingly melting into the lava below only leaving what could be it's skin behind. 

I closed their gates and flew down to Natsu grabbing him and flying high again so that Laxus could definitely see what I was doing, but I didn't care. 

Natsu's POV

Luce was holding me up with her sheer strength, my feet dangling in the air. I managed to put my feet over her now claw-like feet, looking every bit an evil demon ready to devour the world as she saw fit. We were high in the air and I could see her black pupils scanning me over looking for the perfect place to sink her pearly white fangs into. The combined Lust and Envy stardress all but made Luce a true vampire. The kind that fed on the blood of their victims before discarding their lifeless bodies.

"I need..." she started and I relaxed seeing that she was still in control of herself for now at least. 

I look into her eyes, knowing that the beautiful chocolate brown eyes I loved lay waiting just under the firey red. "It's okay, I'm here. Take us to a platform and you can take what you need." I tell her softly, careful not to startle her. 

She nodded and did as I told her and when we were safely on top of what was probably the largest and farthest one from Laxus, she let me go and waited. I removed my scarf and leaned to one side, letting her in. The feel of her fangs puncturing my skin smooth and pleasurable as she drank from me. She probably didn't take a whole lot just enough to curb her lust before releasing her stardress and using Griffin's stardress to make a little room for the two of us where no one could see in. In fact once we went inside no one would be able to see where we went at all, it was as if we had vanished.

We spent what were probably days there trying to satisfy her need and when we finally did we cleaned up putting on fresh clothes before returning what would have been only half an hour on Earthland. We have learned she can change and bend whatever was in the barriers she created to her will, including time, although she couldn't stop it completely. 

Now we will have to try and explain to Laxus what the hell just happened and unless Luce was willing to lie that meant everyone would find out we were mated unless we were very lucky. 

Lucy's POV

I froze, stopping where I was shocking Natsu into turning around, my magic was almost singing inside of me. I looked around only to be answered by a musical voice, "You are a glutton for punishment aren't you?" 

I smile warmly, feeling at ease with the presence, "Do you want to make a contract with me?" I ask almost purring as I did. 

"I am Pan, a satire, my sin is gluttony." he tipped an imaginary hat to me. "If you accept my power, dancing will actually make you more powerful but everyone needs a partner to dance." He eyed Natsu patiently waiting for him to speak up. 

"If it's for Luce then anything," he purred, still very much sated from our earlier activities. Pan laughed and when I agreed we made our contract sealing it with him handing me his crystal key and disappearing into the celestial realm.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Laxus screamed at us as we got closer apparently recovering from his shock far sooner than Mira had but that could be just because he was warned ahead of time that we were actually amazing. 

Natsu's POV

Luce just shrugged before saying, "I used one of my stardresses to defeat the monster. There were no rules on how to do it only that it needed to be gone." What she didn't say was why Succubus and Incubus took the monster's skin with them effectively leaving nothing behind at all of the monster. 

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