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"oh yeah yana, whos this?" his eyes landed on shinwon's and i giggled.

"oh my close fr-"

"friend with benefits. i'm her boyfriend." he cut me off and held his hand out, jangjun shook his hands with glee.

i side glanced at shinwon with a burning glare.

"you got a boyfriend?" he smiled brightly and i shook my head but i immediately stopped when shinwon held my shoulders close.

"yes, in fact she did. and who are you?"

"oh i'm her best friend jangjun. nice to meet you!" he nodded at him, just then joosun came by and bowed at the both of us. we did the same and i admired how gorgeous she looked.

"heyy yana, is this your boyfriend?"

i sighed and nodded, going with the flow since it was pointless to lie anymore.

"you guys are matching, i just noticed." she giggled, "jangjun and i are matching too. do you like our outfits?"

i looked up to see jangjun wearing a blue buttoned down shirt which was not really buttoned at the top, and black jeans. his hair was parted in the middle; which not gonna lie, made him look way attractive. whereas joosun was wearing a flawless blue and white flannel that reached up to her thighs, and she put a belt around her waist to make it look like a dress. her hair went really well with the outfit too.

"i love it." i complimented and they said their thank you's.

"would you like refreshments? the glasses are on the table." jangjun asked as i shook my head.

"maybe shinwon does but i'm fine.. alcohol isn't my really my forté."

jangjun nodded his head and smiled, "there's fruit punch, i could get you some-"

"i got it." shinwon cut in and went to get the fruit punch, leaving jangjun dumbfounded.

shinwon headed to the table and poured himself a glass, and another for me.

jangjun laughed awkwardly, "wow.. your boyfriend seems really kind." i laughed it off and nodded.


it's been an hour into the party and shinwon is somewhere in the crowd of girls, dancing with them drunkily.

geez. i can't believe i picked this jerk to date with. i should've done more research on different people.

sighing, i was at the very corner of the room. parties really werent my thing. jangjun seemed to notice, and walked over to me with a glass of wine in his hand.

"where's your date?" he asked.

i pointed with my eyes to the crowd of girls. "he's in the middle of stealing other dates." i glanced at the boys in the corner, looking jealously at shinwon.

"when did you guys meet though? and how?" he took a sip of his wine and gulped it down like a b o s s.

i scoffed quietly but tried to think of a good excuse. gosh why was i so horrible at excuses.

i mumbled some words till i thought of the best excuse i could give, "i messaged him because i saw him on my explore page.. and we met weeks ago."

woah, did i actually just lie to my best friend? i'm pretty good at it- wait.. did i just lie to my best friend?

"oohh so you did the first move i see."

"well technically yeah." i shyly shrugged and he smiled.

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