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"what's with her.." shinwon muttered under his breath as soon as he closed the door to his room.

"what's with who?" hongseok asked while scrolling through his feed.

"yana, she seemed so pissed off right after we ate her food. she just wanted me to go for some reason."

"yah, maybe you're just overreacting. it's probably cause she knew we were here so she just wanted you to go. plus you take the longest among all of us to get ready, you were probably a hassle to her." hongseok gave a side glance to shinwon and he just shrugged in response.


hey what's good?

oh nothing

you didn't seem fine after we ate, is everything okay?

nah yeah. just don't think so mucb about it. it's that time of the month again.

lying again yana?

you know what, who cares? he's gonna block me anyways so it's fine if i lie.

i decided to text wooshin just to get shinwon off of my head.

hey wooshin

what's uppp. is it about the coffee?

uhh yeah when are you available?

hmm i'm available tomorrow if you are?


i sighed thinking about what i discovered. move on from shinwon. he's just another one of those boys.


"you should just confess to kino already." jangjun cheered on.

flashback to before i liked jangjun, when everything was peaceful and nothing would get in the way of our friendship.

"come on.. it's not like he'll like me back." i sighed.

"who knows yet? why not just tryyyyy." jangjun was already pushing me to kino while kino was talking to his friends.

i gulped once i was in front of him. "hi!" i enthusiastically said, although my voice was shaking.

"hello?" his one eyebrow raised.

"uhm can we be friends?" i asked and he nodded almost instantly.

"sure i'm down." he smiled and his other friends were staring blankly at me. i pushed my glasses up and we exchanged numbers.

i was hesitant to even text his number while i was on the bus ride home, would he even reply? does he do this with everyone?

i gulped but took the risk and texted him a simple hello.

hahah.. heyy.. helloooooo.


so liek uh, maybe we should hangout sometime?


anyways, what are you doing?

nm hbu?

and our conversation was literally so dry to the point my back hurt from carrying the whole conversation. anyways fast forward 24 hours, he blocked me.

and ever since that terrible experience, i avoided him at school for the rest of my years.

end of flashback

"maybe...." lily suggested.

"maybe what?"

"maybe your friend should just block that person before he does. plus, he's done it to many other girls right?" she gripped her fist and looked up with determination.

i nodded, quite upset.

"then it's possible he could do it to her, so just tell your friend to block him. it ain't worth it to get hurt by someone when you can do it back first." lily smiled.

"you're right." i stocked the toys on the top shelves and sighed after a while.

"why're you sighing?" lily asked, who was not looking and just continued to stock the toys on the shelves.

i shrugged, "i just feel bad for my friend.. she doesn't deserve that at all yknow? like what if she.. you know.. liked him?"

she breathed out, "she has to let it go. if she won't, it means she has little self respect for herself."


i gulped. alright yana, it's now or never. block him and he won't ever bother you again, you could just tell your friends that you two broke up and go on with your life.

it's not that hard, just one press of the button and i'm restarting.

i took a heavy breath in my system, and pressed the confirm button.

done. i blocked his ass.


next chapter will be long

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