Chapter 11

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Draco's P.O.V
"What in Merlin's name was that?!" I thought. Trying to get the slight blush on my face off my face after Granger pulled my face towards her's, letting me admire every feature on her face

Then I realized I was supposed to sleep on the couch.

"Wait! GRANGER!" I yelled running over, almost tripping to our room.

She opens the door slightly "Yes, Malfoy?" She says.

"I can't sleep on the couch! I have no blanket or pillow!" I say arguing with her.

Granger looks at me like I'm the stupidest person in the world. "Malfoy, you're a wizard. You could literally make a blanket and pillow for yourself." She says.

"Also just because we're friends does not mean I'm sharing a bed with you. Well goodnight~." She smiles then closes the door. I hear her lock the door and enchant a charm so I can't get in.

I groan and look towards the couch. I take out my wand and made a blanket and and pillow set it on the couch and called it a night.

~Time Skip~
Hermione's P.O.V
I wake up in 'Malfoy' and I's bed feeling energized. I haven't had a good sleep in forever! I jump out of bed and change into my school robes.

I walk out of 'our' room and look towards the couch to see Malfoy with half his face and his pillow on the floor with his legs still on the couch.

I tilt my head slightly while looking at him. "How did he get like that?" I thought.

"Well might as well wake him up." I thought while walking over to him and squatting down near him.


"O MERLIN!" Malfoy said while sitting up. Well, trying to. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled.

"You needed to wake up. Plus, I'm having fun with my friend." I say shrugging my shoulders.

Malfoy glares at me playfully. "Whatever, what time is it? I need to get ready." Malfoy says. I look towards my watch (because she has that.)

"It's 7 AM." I say. Malfoy just nods his head and walks towards the bathroom with his robes in hand.

"I'll wait for you." I say. "Mhm." I heard him hum right before he walked into the washroom.

I go back to 'our' room and get a book then walk out to go to the couch and read.

~Time Skip~

After 40 MINUTES Malfoy finally comes out of the bathroom with his robes on and his hair pushed back with gel.

"Ok, let's get going to the Great Hall." I say to Malfoy while walking towards the door.

"Yeah, ok." I heard him say as we walk out the door and close it on the way out.

While walking to the Great Hall I decided to make some small talk with Malfoy "Hey, what class do you have after breakfast?" I ask.

"Oh um.. I have Defence against the Dark Arts, you?" He says.

"I have Ancient Ruins." I say with a smile. He smirks at me. He looks forward and so do I and realize we've made it to the Great Hall. We open the doors and walk inside I wave goodbye to Malfoy and we walk to our respective tables.

"Hi Harry." I say while sitting down next to him.

"Hi Hermione." He said in a slight depressed tone.

"Did you and Ginny not make up yet?" I ask, concerned for my friends relationship.

"No." Harry said while pushing his food around his plate.

"Why was she mad in the first place, if you dont mind me asking." I say.

He looks up at me and makes direct eye contact for the first time since I sat down. "After the war, I needed to find who I was supposed to be since the 'chosen one' really doesn't have a big purpose anymore. I told this to Ginny but, she still wants more than half my attention that I can't give to her right now and she really can't handle that." He says almost on the verge of tears.

"Oh Harry," I say, sad because of his story "don't worry, I hope you guys will make. C'mon let's go to class together." I say grabbing his arm and pulling him out of his seat and dragging him to class.

To be continued...

Hey, now you know why Ginny was mad! I have finally clarified this for you guys! Sorry this chapter is a little long. Also sorry I dont post regularly I try my best. Well goodbye!

~Your Wonderful Writer, Namjoonie_ya ♡3♡~

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