Chapter 9

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Phineas awoke in Ferb's bed with Ferb's arms wrapped loosely around his torso. Phineas slid out of bed, careful not to wake Ferb who was sleeping peacefully. Ferb needed his rest. He had trouble sleeping the previous night because Candace's lifeless corpse hidden under his mattress made the bed a little lumpy.
Phineas went to check on the body. To his surprise the body was already gone. "Hmm," Phineas said. "I guess the body already decomposed," Phineas thought to himself.
Over on Phineas' night stand, his phone buzzed. He went over and saw there was a message from Isabella. The message read, "Hey love, I feel like we've been distant lately and I want to fix that. Buford's funeral is today at 10:30. Will you be there?" Phineas had been so distracted with helping Ferb with his pregnancy and murdering his older sister, he completely forgot about Buford's funeral.
"Shit," Phineas said aloud. Ferb sat up still in his bed.
"...?" Ferb inquired.
"I completely forgot Buford's funeral was today"
"You're right we better start getting dressed now." The stepbrother's began to put on their suits for their deceased friend's funeral. Due to Ferb's baby bump he could no longer fit his dress shirt, so he had to borrow one from Phineas who wore a larger size.
Once Phineas and Ferb were dressed, Phineas stopped and stared at his stepbrother. He looked so dashing in his suit. Phineas liked that Ferb was wearing his clothes, but secretly he desired to rip his clothes off. But because they were pressed for time, Phineas simply grabbed Ferb by the waist, pulled him in tight, and stuck his 13in tongue down his throat. After that, the two boys left to pay their respects to Buford.

Flashback to the night Baljeet murdered Buford with his schlong.

Baljeet put on his overalls and sat on the bed, waiting for help to come. He kept his head down, unable to look at what he had done to Buford. Suddenly he heard a knock on the window.
Baljeet looked through the window and saw Isabella had arrived. "What took you so long?" Baljeet asked as he helped her through the window. It was hard to squeeze her humongous, gargantuan, absolutely massive head through the window. Once she squeezed through, Baljeet saw Isabella was dressed in a tight black catsuit, with a ski mask over her head and a bright pink duffle bag in her hand.
"I had to pick up some supplies," she replied.
"Thanks for showing up. I didn't know who else to turn to," Baljeet said.
Isabella walked towards the body and knelt beside it. She reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a syringe and a vial labeled COVID-19. After injecting Buford with the Coronavirus, she stood up and sat on the bed next to Baljeet. "This should work. Buford never washed his hands, always put them in his face and had underlying health conditions. The authorities won't suspect a thing," Isabella said to comfort Baljeet.
"Thanks. You saved my life today," Baljeet said. Suddenly, Baljeet was overcome with emotions of gratitude. He leaned toward Isabella and kissed her. Realizing what he had done, he pulled back. He couldn't do that to Phineas. "I-I'm sorry. I know we promised we wouldn't anymore. I don't know what came over me."
"No. Don't worry, it's okay." Isabella kissed Baljeet again. "Now let's get out of here before the police come."

Present Day at Buford's Funeral

All of Buford's friends and family gathered at his funeral. Don't worry, they were social distancing. Buford was young and hadn't really accomplished much, so there wasn't a lot to say at the funeral. After it ended, Phineas and Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet went inside Buford's house for the reception. The four socialized and shared fond memories of Buford. Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella recounted the inventions they made with him, and Baljeet recalled their sexual adventures. Once it became late, they decided to go home. Before they departed, Isabella pulled Phineas aside. "Can we talk privately?" she asked.
"Sure," replied Phineas
"I know we haven't been as close as we used to be lately. I understand you're busy looking after Ferb, but," she sighed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I just want things to go back to the way they were. Before Ferb was pregnant, when Buford was alive, when we would spend our days in your backyard building rockets, fighting mummies, climbing up the Eiffel Tower, discovering something that doesn't exist, or giving a monkey a shower."
"Same," Phineas replied. "I miss surfing tidal waves, creating nanobots or locating Frankenstien's brain (it's over here),  finding a dodo bird, painting a continent, or driving our sister insane."
"Phineas," Isabella started "I love you and miss you"
"I-, um, I..." Phineas thought about Ferb and the moments they shared together. If he reciprocated the "I love you," he would sacrifice everything he had built with Ferb. But with Isabella, Phineas felt safe. She represented comfort and stability. They had been together for a while, and Phineas didn't know if he was able to let her go just yet. He knew what he had to say. "Isabella, I love you too."
With those loving words, Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him. And for the next eight months, the two were a happy couple.

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