"Could you please turn that off?" Steve begged. 

Tony shook his head, "Oh god. No. Never. This is the greatest thing I've ever seen." 

Steve sighed and walked away, figuring that Clint might have been able to release it. After all, Steve had just taken his best friend out on a date, maybe it was a warning or revenge. 

Luckily he ran into him in the elevator, "Hey Cap, what's up. How was the date with Natasha?"

Steve frowned, "Good, it was great, but uh, did you post that video to twitter?" 

Clint chuckled, "You mean the one of you dancing with a bunch of USO girls? No, I didn't. I wish I did. It's quality entertainment." 

"Who did then?" 

Clint raised an eyebrow, "You do realize that you can find the person who originally posted it right?" 

Steve frowned, "How?" 

Clint took his phone and pressed a few buttons before handing it back with another laugh, "Good luck with that one Cap." 

Steve looked down at the username and frowned. 

Natasha Romanoff @blackwidow

The tweet was simply the video with no caption.

It had 1.5 million retweets and 4 million likes. 

Steve pressed the button to her floor and tried to figure out what he'd done to make her post this roughly an hour after their date had ended. 

Once he was at her door, he knocked tentatively. 


"It's me," Steve said. 

"It's unlocked," Natasha said. 

Steve opened the door and looked over at where she was sitting on the couch, "Hey." 


Steve walked towards the couch, "You wanna tell me what I did wrong? I thought last night went great but I get the feeling you're a little more pissed off than you're letting on." 

Natasha shrugged, "It was great." 

"So what's with the cold greetings and the leaked twitter video?" 

Natasha couldn't quite hold back her smirk, "So you figured that one out did you?" 

Steve shrugged, "It took me a while and Clint helped but yeah I did. I just can't figure out why." 


Steve raised an eyebrow, "I don't know if you realized yet, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to women. Especially when I like them as much as I like you." 

Natasha laughed, "Yeah I sort of figured that out." 

She moved her legs so that Steve could sit down besides her. Once he did, she moved closer so that she was practically in his lap. 

"Little hint," Natasha started, "If you go on a date with someone after years of mutual pining, you kiss them at the end of the date." 

Steve's eyes widened, "Oh." 

Natasha stared at him, her eyebrow raised slightly, "Oh?" 

Steve blushed, "I didn't realize...well-"

Natasha cut him off, "Shut up and kiss me Rogers." 

Steve did so, thankful for the way out of explaining his stupidity. Plus, he'd been wanting to do this for years now. 

Natasha cupped his cheeks and pulled herself into Steve's lap as she kissed him. 

"I should probably apologize for posting that video but I don't regret it at all if I'm being honest," Natasha whispered against his lips. 

Steve laughed quietly, resting his forehead on hers, "I think I deserved it. And I'd rather it be you than Tony, though he's gonna have a field day with that for the next few weeks."

Natasha grinned, "Next time don't be a dumbass." 

Steve kissed her again, "No promises." 

He didn't leave her floor that night but when he woke up in the morning, there was a new tweet from Natasha.

This time, it was a video of Tony crying over the notebook.

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a few weeks. I've been hella busy, and this was the first night I've been home with time to write. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote if you did!

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