Chapter 1

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She gives her heart a shake,
And screams I've made a big mistake.
The only other sound's the break
O -

My hand freezes mid-sentence as I hear someone call my name from across the cafeteria.

Looking up, I watch as my best friend Tracie runs over, ignoring the looks she gets from other students.

"Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?" She says, bouncing up and down before slamming her phone down on the table.

I flinch, then shut my journal and look at her screen. "Trac, what is this?"

"Oh just a confirmation email that your audition made it in and was found 'exceptionally wonderful' according to director."

"Au- audition?" I repeat. "Audition for what?"

Tracie blows her bangs from her eyes and slides into a seat across from me. "That YouTube group you like, remember how you said they're casting for a new musical? Remember how you said it'd be cool to be a part of it?"

"Tell me you didn't!" I hiss.

Tracie nods. "I totally did! When we were in my backyard last weekend and I recorded you singing. I sent it in and now I have some lines they want you to try out to see if you fit the character."

"Oh my god!" I exclaim, laying my head on the table, my hands pulling my hood over as I try to hide.

"Eve, come on! How often do you get an opportunity like this?" Tracie asks.

"I don't want it."

"Please? Do you really just wanna keep your nose in your diary and not have fun?"

I lift my head, setting my chin on my hands. "Journal."

Tracie tilts her head.

"It's not a diary, it's a journal." I correct. "And I can't do it, no matter how much I might want to."

Tracie says. "As your publicist -"

I scoff. "You're fifteen Trac."

"So? As your publicist, I say record the lines and get the part. It'll make it harder for your parents to say no if you already have it. And my brother can drive you to rehearsals, so it all works out." She says before taking out her lunch and handing me half her sandwich as she bites into her half.

"I can't change your mind, can I?" I ask.

Tracie shakes her head as she chews. "Patrick is letting me borrow his camera to use after school so it'll look more professional."


I shake my head, motioning for everyone to stop. "Guys, this is ridiculous. Most of these lines don't even make sense!"

Tracie sighs as her step-brother switches off the camera.

"Eve, you just gotta work with what you have." He says.

"That's not exactly easy to do Grant, there isn't much to work with so it's all confusing and out of context." Tracie says with exasperation.

I look at her, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"Trac did you give her caffeine?" Grant asks as he looks from me to his step-sister.

"No! I say the lines like I'm confused, because let's face it, I am. And I act like I don't know all that's happening, because I don't but also because the character is a kid!" I exclaim excitedly.

"And that's why you're auditioning!" Tracie says as she tries turning the camera back on. "You're brilliant!"

Grant swats her hands. "Dad said you can use it, but I operate it."

"Oh hey, there's some lines between Hannah and some guy named Ethan, would you read them?" I ask.

"Can't today, I have field hockey practice." Grant says.

"But tomorrow..." Tracie looks up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Kid, you have twenty more minutes before I have to leave, don't push it." He says. "We're ready to roll."

"Alright, I'll read for Lex, we'll take it from when she asks who says to not where the backpack." Tracie says as she scans her print out of the lines.

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