Chapter 2

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I woke up to Max, looking at me like a creep making me smile and say, "So since you ruined last night, can I stay at your place."

"Ummmm, no, and I am busy this week, so we can't hang or talk," he stuttered out. I got up because that means his parents are here. I glared at him making him get and go to leave, but I stopped him. Max avoids this conversation every time it comes up. His parents are old money, and they want him with a doctor or a model. Max refuses to tell them about me because they pay his bills, and this is the central rift in our relationship. It's like he is ashamed of me is there something wrong with me or something. Once out of thought, I said, "Max, you can't avoid telling them about us. I love you, so why not tell them already."

"Because they won't approve."

"They aren't your keepers, Max. We have been together long enough for them to know about me, and if you love me, that's all that should matter," I said. I am right. Money doesn't matter. Max sighed and said, "You don't know my parents."

I got up and shook my head, no. If he doesn't leave now, it won't end well, so I said: "Just go, Max, please."

"Baby, please understand," Max said. I don't understand why he doesn't understand my feelings? I come second whenever it comes to his family. I turned around and said, "Look, if this continues, it will turn into an argument, so just go."

"No, because we won't be able to talk for a week, and I have to deal with the woman there bring over," Max said. What did he just say? Woman. That asshole had no plan on telling me either. I laughed and said, "Really, and you didn't plan to tell me, did you, Max."

He scratched his head and said, "Well...I mean no because I have to play. I like her, meaning hugging and kissing her."

Max planned on cheating on me that asshole. I pointed to the door as he said: "Come on, you were hitting on that guy."

"No, I wasn't you asshole," I said as I slapped him. Max grabbed his face as I said: "Go because if you can't pick the woman who was willing to give everything for you, then you can go to hell."

"Look, let's just talk," Max said. I pushed him out and yelled, "Mia, get up here!"

"Why," Mia asked. Can she ever just come up, making me yell, "Just get your ass up here!"

Mia ran up and said, "What."

"Please get Max out of here," I said. I pushed him to her as he said, "Fine, maybe I will sleep with the girl they picked."

Mia slapped him, making me laugh and go in my room, where I slammed my door shut. I laid down and heard Mia yelling at Max, making me laugh when I listen to her talk for a bit. After that, I heard Mia coming up and in my room to lay down on my bed to hold me as I cried on my bed. After I stopped, we both sat up and looked at each making her say, "So what happens, kitty?"

"Well, Max's parents are coming over for the week, and we can't talk or see each other. They even brought another woman, which he was planning to kiss and hug without telling me. Of course, I asked if he I could go we argued and then the women came up. I am I not pretty or good enough," I answered. Mia slapped me not hard but nevertheless slapped me and said, "If you ever say that again, I will hit you harder because you are beautiful and smart. Max only cares about his parents' money, not you. No man in his right senses would not be proud of you and tell his parents or cheat on you because you did everything for him."

That's why I thought he would tell them, I thought. I sighed and said, "I hate men. I don't just want to be a girlfriend for the rest of my life, Mia; I want to a wife and a mom. Max knew that, and he knew I could care less about his money."

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