Chapter 1

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Simon calmly watched the people around the house going up and down the stairs, dancing past them, drinking in excessive amounts and just observed the plain chaos, that ensued around him. "What about him?" the short redhead next to him asked.

Simon glanced at the top of the stairs from where he was leaning on the wall. A brunette with freckles on his face and a stoned expression tumbled down the stairs. By the looks on his face, he wasn't very sober. It was amazing that he could still be upright, let alone walk down the stairs. Simon smiled slightly, taking a sip of his beer. "He's probably the one to end up passed out in the backyard on the lounging chairs, with a huge water bottle next to him, 'cause he's super stoned." he replied, looking at his best friend, who laughed.

"How can you tell he's stoned?" she asked, sipping her gin&tonic. Clary was looking like she almost always did, with her artsy appearance - blue, a little baggy jeans and a white T-shirt that showed her figure nicely, with a lot of bracelets around her arms and her hair cascading in red locks. The only thing she had done differently tonight was the make-up. She really went out of her comfort zone with the eye liner, Simon thought. 

He was wearing his favorite black, ripped jeans, with a graphic light pink T-shirt that said 'literally me' and white vans (so he was like a typical teenager, sue him). He still had tanned skin from his trip to Egypt a month ago and his brunette hair were styled to perfection. He had just a little of a smoky, dark blue eyeshadow on and he was also wearing bracelets - not like Clary with her silver hoops but ones made of leather. He touched the necklace that Clary had given her for his 20th birthday - his sign, libra. "'Cause his eyes haven't moved from the one spot in like forever. And he keeps touching something in front of him, like there's something there." he replied.

It was true, the guy was reaching out at something, with a blissful smile, until someone brushed past him on the stairs and he almost fell down. Clary rolled her eyes, looking around. "I can't believe we came here. Why did we come, again?" she asked, slightly annoyed but Simon knew she was having fun. They always had fun when they were together.

When Clary had told Simon that she was going to New York school of the the Arts, he almost did a happy dance. He had thought Clary might want to move out of New York, like she always dreamed of, but she had gotten in and so she stayed. Simon was in Juilliard, studying music, so they spent a lot of time together. Uni was great. But he and Clary almost never went to these...parties. It wasn't really their scene. But when they did, they liked to play games. Like the one they were playing now. "Most likely to...".

"Look, those two are most likely to end up in a threeway." Clary pointed to a couple wandering up the stairs. The girl wore the shortest dress Simon had ever seen, but the guy was tall and seemed like he could be really good at basketball. I mean, he was wearing one of those jersey shirts. Simon knew nothing of basketball. "Yeah? Who's going to be the lucky third?" Simon asked, nudging Clary. The readhead let out a laugh, searching the crowd. "How about that one?" she asked, pointing to a blonde, who had just let out a whoop after making the shot in beerpong. She leaned on the table in order to not fall over.

Simon nodded. "Good eye." he said. These were people mostly from Clary's school, mainly because Simon loved watching art students get drunk. They really didn't know their limits. But there were a few from around other schools and Simon would be damned if he'd get through the night without seeing some of his fellow students. As if on cue, a big muscular guy who looked like he could be a wrestler, brushed past him, making Simon spill his beer onto the floor a little.

"Watch it, Lewis!" Trent called and Simon rolled his eyes, flipping him the middle finger. "Fuck you!" Trent laughed and Simon now had a smug smile on his face. "You wish, darling!" he yelled after him, which made the big idiot stutter, while his friends laughed. Clary smiled at Simon. "Ugh, you're schoolmates are a bore. And so are mine. Let's get something to eat?" she said, looping their arms together and they started their way out.

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