Part 4 [Rehab]

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Mom may be forgot everything.
Then someone knocked at the door.Then his mom opened the door.
Grant saw,few man came.
His mom called them to come inside.
Please have a seat.
Grant come here.
Mom,who are they?
Grant they are from rehab.They came here to take you.
What mom?Are you serious?
Why you're doing this to me?
Hi I am Stephen strange.
Hello uncle.
Look I am totally fine.I don't have to go rehab.
OK..we won't take you to rehab.
Can you tell us honestly,how many times did you drug?
Grant say the truth.
Almost 30 times In these two months.
Do you think its OK?
No no I don't know.
Stephen said to Rehab's police.
Take him.
Mom mom please don't do this to me.

[The rehab people took Grant into their van]

Will he be alright? Stephen?
Yes.Miss Cardone he will be fine.
He need some time.

              *After one month*
[Grant has been released from rehab]
His mom came here to pick up him.
Hey son.
Hi mom.
How are you?
Let's go home,Mom
You wait here.
I will be back in a minute.
Ok mom.Come fast.
Yes.come in.
Please have a seat.
So what's the report of Grant?
How's he doing?
He good now.
But you have to take care of that,he could never ever take drug again.
These are his report.

Let's go.
OK mom.

              *After 2 months*
Grant open the door.
Why mom?
You again locked the door.
I always tell you to not lock the door.
Open the door,Grant?
Grant was taking drugs.Then he put that drugs in drawer.
I am coming in.
Hold on mom.
[Grant mom came inside,Grant as soon as hide a plastic bag in his drawer]
What are you doing?
No mom.I was just sitting here.
Are you hiding something?
No mom.

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