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(Y/n) yawned trying to wake herself from her sleep.
She stood up and opened her blinds. The sun was barely coming up. She went to take a quick bath and soon she was dressed and packing her things to leave towards the train station.

(Y/n) was so nervous. She got the job just three days ago and she didn't know what to expect. She had been hearing things about this new inventor but she didn't really pay attention, she just wanted a job.

She arrived just in time . (Y/n) bought her ticket to Colorado Springs.

Soon she was already boarding and the butterflies in her stomach wouldn't stop , so se couldn't calm down.
She was just barely 26 years old and was eager to find a nice place with a nice job to settle down. After all, America was the place where dreams came true.
The train stopped at the Colorado Springs station. (Y/n) quickly got up and gathered her belongings.
She stepped out of the train with help of one of the officers and glanced around.
»a Mr. Czito was supposed to be waiting for me«
She thought. She tried to focus on the unfamiliar faces to see if she could recognize any of the them.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat. (Y/n) jumped and looked at the person.

A young man stood near her, smiling at her kindly, his eyes shining with excitement.
(Y/n) nodded unsure of how to respond.
The man smiled widely.
"Perfect! Hi I'm Julios Czito, or just call me Czito"
(Y/n) Let out a sigh. And shook his hand firmly.
"Nice meeting you Czito"

Czito helped her with her stuff and led her towards the town's road.
Minutes passed while they walked but for (y/n) they were only seconds. Czito was fun to be around with and he had a certain charm.

Finally, they arrived.
(Y/n) couldn't stop from gasping. There stood the Colorado Springs lab of the infamous Nikola Tesla.

"Impressing right?"
(Y/n) nodded speechless. The thing was huge.
"If you think this is awesome just wait until you see Mr. Tesla's inventions inside"
He opened the door for her and they both stepped in.

The lab was full of things everywhere. There stood a black metal staircase just in the corner. They were metal things on the floor, cables and (y/n) couldn't distinguish what else.
"Eh, it's a bit messy but I promise it's usually not like this"

(Y/n) laughed "alright Czito I'll have to take your word for that, I won't believe it until I see it!"


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