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After work and I'm covered in dirt. I go and pick up Isabelle. She whines at me to pick her up.

(Blake) "Do you want to get dirty? I am dirty from work princess you have to be a big girl and walk."
(Isabelle) "No."
(Blake) "Isabelle"
(Isabelle) "N-O daddy pick me up now."

I close my eyes and count to 5 before opening them again.
(Blake) "Isabelle I will take ice cream away if you don't listen. I can't pick you up I am dirty."
(Isabelle) "Daddy I'm tired please...."

"Hello. What's wrong?"
(Blake) "Hey Ethan. Isabelle isn't listening so she gets no more ice cream."
(Ethan) "What's wrong Isabelle?"
(Isabelle) "Daddy's mean. He won't pick me up."
(Blake) "I'm mean?"

I hear a giggle and I look to see Ethan with his hand covering his mouth.
(Ethan) "If it's okay I can carry you Isabelle."
(Isabelle) "YES!!"

She runs and jumps into his arms and he holds her on his hip and looks at me.
I smirk before I start walking toward my house.
He keeps in step with me but I can tell he is getting tired of holding Isabelle. I can hear his breath getting heavier and he keeps jumping to fix her position.
Thankful we are a couple houses away from my house.
I open my door and let him walk in and tell him to lay her on the couch.

(Blake) "Wait for me okay? I'm going to go change I am dirty."
I start walking away.
And I hear his whisper
(Ethan) "I wouldn't mind seeing you naked and dirty."

I smirk and hurry up the stairs. I takes a quick shower and throw on

I run downstairs to see Ethan sitting on the couch going through his phone

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I run downstairs to see Ethan sitting on the couch going through his phone.
I clear my throat.
He looks up.
(Blake) "I hear you want to see me naked and dirty"

I see a dark blush rise onto his cheeks. He shakes his head fast.
(Ethan) "I-I think you Umm you heard wrong. I said Umm... you stink."
(Blake) "Really? Damn I was hoping to make that come true."

He looks up at me shocked and another blush. I smile and make my way to the kitchen.
He follows me.
(Ethan) "Were you serious?"
(Blake) "Oh cutie you have no idea how serious I am. Do you want to say for dinner?"
(Ethan) "I'll only stay if it's home cooking. I eat out everyday reason why I'm broke."
He gives an awkward chuckle and rubs his neck.
(Blake) "Its homemade. Go sit I'll call you when it's done."

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