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We arrived home faster than I would like but, I don't want to stay in the car. My daughter is hurt and I am the one that hurt her. It is truly the worst feeling in the world to hear your daughter cry in the backseat because of something that you said.

Ethan squeezes my hand before opening his door and helping Isabelle out and walking to the front door. I get out of the car slowly and unlock our front door. I let them in first and take a deep breath before walking in behind them.

(Blake) "Belle why don't you go change and then we can talk okay?"

I try to give her a smile but she nods and walks to her room.
I let out a sign and cover my eyes with my hand. I try taking deep breaths but I can't seem to breath properly.
I feel a hand on my cheek.
(Ethan) "It is okay... it's hard now but you are her dad. She loves you more than anyone else in the world."

And that's all it takes for tears to fall.
(Blake) "She loves me more than anyone else in the world but, I am the one that hurt her as well."

Ethan pulls me into a hug and rubs my back until I hear small footsteps. I pull away and sit on the couch waiting for Isabelle.

She looks at me once and runs into my arms. As soon as I put her on my lap she starts crying again.

(Ethan) "If it's okay I'm going to go wait in your room so you guys can have your time... come get me later."

He places a kiss on each of our heads before walking away. I want to grab his hand and tell him to stay but I know that this is something that I have to tell Isabelle on my own.

I hold her for a little bit while I get the courage to talk to her about this subject. I always thought I had a couple years before I had to talk to her about her mother...

(Blake) "Baby?"
(Isabelle) "Why don't I have a mommy? Does she love me?"

(Blake) "I don't know baby... I wish I could tell you more but, I only know what she told me..."
(Isabelle) "why did my mommy leave?"
(Blake) "She told me that she couldn't take care of you... she wasn't ready to have you..."
(Isabelle) "Will she come back for me when she is ready?"

(Blake) "I don't think she will baby... but she might... do you want to know what I know for sure?"
(Isabelle) "What?"

She tilts her head looking at me. I smile and move her hair out of her face.

(Blake) "I have loved you since I saw you... I will never leave you... I will always love you even if you hate me... I will never give you up... you are my only princess and I wouldn't trade you for the world."

She giggles and kisses my cheek.

(Isabelle) "Will you love prince always?"
(Blake) "Only if he lets me princess."
(Isabelle) "I think prince loves daddy."
(Blake) "What about the princess? Does she love daddy?"
(Isabelle) "The Princess will always love you daddy forever."

I give her kisses on her cheek and forehead until she giggles.

(Blake) "Why don't you go get prince and we can have ice cream."
(Isabelle) "Daddy gets prince. Isabelle goes to play."

She jumps off my lap and runs to her room to play. I smile and shake my head.
I head to my room and knock on the door.

(Ethan) "Why are you knocking on your own door?"
(Blake) "Incase you were going through things and didn't want to get caught."

I smile and he pouts.

(Ethan) "I didn't snoop."
(Blake) "I'm joking I promise. I just wanted to give you a warning that I was coming in. I don't want to scare you incase you were lost in your thoughts."
(Ethan) "Thank you... are you okay? I know being called disgusting in front of family can be hard."
(Blake) "It is hard but, I'm glad I had the person I like by my side to help me with Isabelle."
(Ethan) "Yeah it was no problem."
(Blake) "I am always forward about how I feel you might have noticed. I like you more than I can explain in the short time that I have known you. I know my feelings have developed fast and I can't explain them but I like you and I want you in my home every day and every night. I am giving you a chance out... if you take the out I will understand and I won't make it weird. I hope that you would still be willing to see Isabelle though."

(Ethan) "... I... I.. um... I am going to take the out... I will still see Isabelle... I umm.... I should go..."

I bite my lip and nod.

I clear my throat

(Blake) "No problem... um.. Isabelle is in her room you can go say bye... I'm gonna go get her ice cream ready... I'll see you around..."

I walk away with a burn in my throat and my eyes blurry. I make it to the kitchen and lean against the counter trying to get my shit together.

I hear both of their footsteps and I turn around, wipe my eyes, and open the freezer.

(Isabelle) "Daddy, prince is leaving he won't have ice cream with us.."
(Blake) "It's okay baby maybe he has class tomorrow and can't stay longer it's okay... maybe next time."
"Have a nice night Ethan get home safe."

I hand Isabelle her ice cream and walk Ethan to the door. He opens the door and turns to look at me.

(Ethan) "Blake..."
(Blake) "Hey it's okay... we will be fine... don't worry or feel guilty Isabelle and I are stronger than anyone thinks.. have a good night... get home safe please"
(Ethan) "I... I do like you... I'm just not ready..."

I give him a smile to not show how badly those 4 words hurt.
(Blake) "I understand. Your in college, you have your whole life ahead... I have a daughter... it's okay."

I give him a hug and I kiss his cheek before he leaves.

I close the door and that's when the tears fall. I'm just not ready.... they always hurt me.

I wipe my eyes and smile as I walk to my princess and kiss her sticky cheek.

After her ice cream I help her get ready for bed before I go to bed myself. I don't check my phone because I know he didn't message me... things will be weird for a while.

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