You're enough.

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"Love yourself for who you are and just keep going." Demi Lovato

Look at you. I know it hurts. I know you look in the mirror and see only everything you hate about yourself. Whatever it may be. 

I'll call you Goddess. Because that's exactly what you are. You're a Goddess. And I refuse to call you anything less than that. 

 You are whoever the hell you know you are.  You are everything you're supposed to be. You are Love, Power, and Hope incarnate. And who cares if you have your own little quirks? 

You have to learn to love yourself before you can love anyone else. And I know you hear people say that loving them will take attention off of hating yourself. That's bullshit. Complete bullshit. Don't believe that. You have to  dry your tears with your own two hands. And love yourself with all of your heart and soul.

For anybody going through anything just know that you can do it. And if you need to talk PM me. Your life is worth something. Your life matters. 

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