Be you

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Girl.They spit that word at you like it's an insult. "Listen here, little girl."

As if the mothers that fed them, nurtured them, raised them, weren't girls themselves. As if the wombs that birthed them didn't live as little girls and young women first.

It's ridiculous really. We're girls. We can be girls. Certain things don't make you feminine and certain things don't make you masculine.

If you're a girl or you identify as a girl then you're a girl. You can play video games or play hockey and still be a girl. Liking sports and video games doesn't make you a boy. It makes you who you are. 

 If you have a partner who doesn't like that part about you, drop 'em.  A real partner for life is someone who loves that about you. They don't have to put up with it. Because they love your habits as much as they love you.

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