"The Return Of Phoenix Wright"

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'hey!!, hey nick!!'

maya called out, pearl ran by her side, phoenix looked up from his book as he took out his earbuds, pausing his audiobook, ..it's been a month since they moved back into the office, things have been okay, ..when phoenix and maya first stepped into the building, ...he got a lot of looks, . but he died down after about a week into it, and it was smooth from their, he still was on hold when it came to trials, ..phoenix didn't want to go back until he was 100% mentally ready, his therapist agreed and both thought it was best to wait on it

'what's up violet?'

maya grinned as she show him a magazine, he took it as he read the headline, he didn't understand as he looked up at her to clarify, pearl however, spoke for her, as she said back very excited

'It's the New Year's issue of "Oh! Cult!", Winter Spiritual Locations Special!'

maya smiled as she nodded, adding to her own excitement

"Maximize your spiritual powers with just one night of intensive training!" ...Oh! It sounds too good to be true!'

she swooned, phoenix however, was skeptical, ...it sounded like a scam to him, ..spirit mediums winter locations?!, ..but then again, ..if they were people like maya and pearl, ..who's to say this wasn't a scam either, maya went on with what she was saying, cutting phoenix off from his thoughts

'It's at a spiritual retreat called "Hazakura Temple". It's way up in the mountains, and I bet it's nice and cold. ...Just perfect for training!'

he glared at the mention of mountains on the magazine, ..heights were still a huge no for him, .. unless miles was their next to him, ..he made him feel like nothing could hurt him in his warm arms wrapped around his waist, maya then added her own thoughts on the manner

'You know, I think I've heard of this temple before. It's a famous channeling dojo. It's hard for even real spirit mediums like us to make reservations up there!'

pearl interjected with the great news

'Don't worry! I've already made special reservations, just for us!'

'Yeah! And I signed up for the "Special Course"!'

maya stated, phoenix crossed his arms as he took this in, just then pearl spoke up, wanting to go over their already as soon as possible in the morning

'Alrighty then! It's settled! Well, come on! Don't just stand there! Start packing your stuff mr nick!!!'

she commanded, maya frowned as she tried to explain to her as to why phoenix most likely wouldn't be coming, ..maya just wanted to tell him about the awsome news, ...not force him along

'p-pearly, nick isn't coming with us'

pearl looked up at her confused, ..she didn't know anything about AL-9, and they were gonna keep it like that

'h-huh?!, why not!?, we have to be accompanied by someone over 20 years old, and mr nick is a very responsible adult'

'pearly, no!'

maya stated firmly, just then, phoenix spoke up, ..he could see just how much it meant to them, ..and he knew nobody else would say yes to going with them

'i'll come, someone needs to watch you two'

maya shot her head up at him, with a slight worried expression, however,  pearl on the other hand, jumped up and down as she hugged phoenix

'thank you thank you thank you so much mr nick!!'

and with that, she ran off into her own little play area room, leaving to two alone in the main office, maya frowned as she asked him

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