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Wow! News travels fast!

So here's what happened. The Master of Yunkai knows what happened in Astapor, how I literally burnt all the Masters and took the Unsealed, here I thought I would send my warriors to go attack at night but the Master of Yunkai gave up, giving me all the slave.

By all the slaves, I mean the whole of Yunkai, so right now, I am to confront the slaves but they haven't come out, I was standing on a huge rock with the others.

Ser Jorah : They will come, Your Grace.

Ser Jorah reassured me.

Valyria : People learn to love their chains.

I stated. Then the doors opened, so many slaves came out, they all stood there and Missendai speaks to them in Valyrian, saying that it is I that they should owe their freedom.

Valyria : No.

I said and went forward.

Valyria : Your freedom is not mines to give. It is yours and yours alone. Therefore If you want it, you must take it.

I said. They were all quiet then one girl shouted.

Little girl : MHYSA!

Then all of them shouted Mhysa.

Valyria : What does it mean?

I asked Missendai, she explained what language is it.

Missendai : It means, mother.

Valyria : It's alright, these people won't hurt me.

I said then went down the door, I touched Arrax scales.

Valyria : Sovêtis [Fly]

Then they flew in the sky. I went down.

Valyria : Let me pass.

The Unsealed let me pass and I made my way to the crowd of slaves, they kept chanting 'Mhysa' as I walked, they extended their hands, touching me, two men carried me, spinning me slowly in circles as they still chanted Mhysa.

This is the kind of Queen I want to be.

My dragons flew above as they screeched, dancing in the sky.


Our journey to Meereen was for 5 days but we survived and got there. My dragons have grown through the journey, I'm greatful my belly is not visible since I'm 7 months but I get tired here and there, it is a bit visible through but I hide it the best I can.

We got to Meereen and we saw Daario Naharis.

Valyria : Daario Naharis.

Daario : No way! Valyria? The last time I saw you, you were just a little girl! And now you've grown up to be a beautiful woman, just like your mother.

He said as he hugs me.


It's been 4 weeks we have settled in Meereen and it couldn't get any better. After spending lost time with my friends, I made it up to them and now we're playing games in Evie's room.

Evie : Closet Kiss!!!! Umm, let's see!

She mixed the names in the hat. She picked them and reads them.

Evie : Ooooh!!!

Mal : Who is it?

Evie : Audrey and Chad!

Everyone : Ohhhhhhh!!!!!

Audrey and Chad blushed. She looks cute when she blushes. Me and Audrey have come........ Close these past few days in Meereen.

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