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(Valyria POV)

Dragonstone was rushing up and down as we were going on our journey, I was feeding my dragons meat, of course they were fighting for the meat.

Dragen ~ My turn! My turn!

Valyria : [Giggles] You had your turn Dragen.

I say petting him. Once I was done feeding them, they nuzzled on me, I hummed a small song but Irri bursts in my room.

Valyria : Irri?

Irri : The pirate boy is fighting with Rakharo!

Instantly I ran, I ran through the halls.

Rule 1 ; A Queen never runs through the palace halls.

But in this case, I don't care! I ran to the Dothraki Khalasar, I saw everyone huddled, I pushed through everyone, pushing through Evie and Doug, I saw Harry and Rakharo fighting, Harry cut him on his cheek with his hook, kicking him the stomach and he fell, Harry was going to finish him off.....

Valyria : NO!!!

I ran in between them, pushing Harry back away from Rakharo, I kneel down next to him, helping him up.

Harry : You choose this savage over me?

Valyria : Shut it! I told you not to bother the Dothraki!

Harry : Why choose this savage over me, Lassie, why don't ya let him die, you belong to me and only me!

Valyria : I don't belong to any one of you!!! I am not some price to be won!!! I belong to The Dragon of Old Valyria! I belong to Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen, non of you gave me life coming into this world, non of you raised me! Go away from my Khalasar!

I hissed at him, Harry laughs.

Harry : I take orders from you now?

Valyria : You are in Dragonstone, in my territory! And as long as you're in my territory, you listen to me, if you fail to do so, I will not hesitate to have you killed.

Harry came closer to me, Qhono and Grey Worm came closer to me for protection.

Harry : You don't Threaten me, toy!

He hissed and left.


The journey started, we were in the ship, the horses were loaded and we took off, before I left I had taken every angle if Dragonstone, I had it on lockdown, the Unsullied guarded it while I have some of the Unsullied and Grey Worm.

It was at night, I was fixing Rakharo's cut.

Rakharo : [winces]

Valyria : Shhh, I'm almost done.

My dragons were up, just playing around my cabin we were in.

Rakharo : I am going to kill that fool. Who does he think he is?

Valyria : No bloodshed, I cannot have everyone fighting while we are doing a Quest, I need everyone to work together.

He winced and I finished.

Valyria : Is it better?

Rakharo : Little.

I kissed his cut.

Valyria : Now?

Rakharo : Much better.

He said but his expression hardened. I cupped my hands on his cheeks delicately, our eyes meeting.

Valyria : We have to keep it together.

Rakharo : I know.

Valyria : You're my Dothraki warrior. I cannot loose you to some Pirate boy.

Rakharo : You're not going to loose me, especially to some stupid Pirate boy. I will serve you to the last of my days.....

I cupped his mouth.

Valyria : Do not talk about Death. I have lost so much far enough.

I say looking down, Rakharo cupped his hands on my cheeks delicately, bringing my eyes to his his.

Rakharo : Everything will be fine. I am always here with you, always, we'll get through this together, just do not shut me out.

Valyria : I will not shut you out, I trust you with my life, Rakharo.

I cupped my hands on his cheeks and pecked his lips, playing with him, he chuckles as I giggled.

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