You are a Targaryen

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I climbed the steps to the temple, I was going alone. I finally got there, I opened the door and came in, it was dark, there were 4 doors, I didn't know which to come in so I went with my instincts and chose the first one.

When I got in the door, I saw........ Old Valyria! And it's not the ruins, it's when everything was perfectly fine, before the Doom of Old Valyria!

I walked in the town, Valyrian kids were playing in the marketplace, some people were arguing about the price of buying an apple, it brought a smile to my face but a broken heart that all this was lost.

I went to the castle, the guards let me through, when I got in, it was silent. I walked in the halls as I saw dragon skull's decorated, paintings of the legendary Targaryens who conquered their quest.

All this made me ask myself;

Am I even worthy of the Targaryen name?

I haven't even showed that, all I have ever showed was weakness of loosing my parents.
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a familiar voice singing.

No! It can't be!

I followed the voice, it led me to a room, where i saw....... My uncle! Rhaegar! And my son! Rhaegar!

I kinda feels weird when I say that.

Maybe Rhaegar the first and Rhaegar the second.

Valyria : Uncle.

I breathed out, he looks up at me as I came closer.

Valyria : You're alive? And here?

Rhaegar : My beautiful niece, Valyria. Come sit with me.

Valyria : Is this a dream? Or am I in the Night Lands? I missed you so so much.

I say as I hugged him, his warm embrace soothed me, he plants a kiss on my forehead.

Valyria : Why did you have to leave Uncle? Why? As a little girl, I cried for you to return and I still cry for you Uncle, why?

Rhaegar : My darling [kisses her forehead] We do not know where our fates lie, we cannot write fate nor can we change it.

He said, my eyes were in tears, I felt little hands wipe my tears.

Baby Rhaegar : Do not cry mama.

He said, I picked him up, hugging him like there was no tomorrow because there wasn't a tomorrow where I can live like this..... With them.

Rhaegar : You are a Targaryen. Never doubt that.

Valyria : But I fail to be one, I'm a disappointment to House Targaryen.

I say looking down. Uncle raised my chin.

Rhaegar : Look how far you have come, how you hatched your dragons and came out unharmed, that my darling Niece is a true Targaryen. You have come way to far to stop now, I will always be there watching over you, you know that?

Valyria : Why don't I stay here with you...... Here..... In the Night Lands... Even if I take the Iron Throne, I won't be a good Queen.

Rhaegar : Remember that song I used to sing to you, about a little girl who took the throne?

Valyria : Yes.

Rhaegar : Yes. Never give up, you never know how close you are to reaching your dreams. When you are doing your quest, always bare in mind that you are not doing it for yourself but for your people, for House Targaryen.

I nodded. I lay my head on his shoulder, My son had fallen asleep on my chest.

Rhaegar : If it were up to me, I would have let you stay here with me.... With us but you have a quest and I know that you can fulfill it with fire....

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