Chapter 16 - "My apologies, I misspoke."

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The silvery, midnight ocean and the star dusted, blackened sky kissed at the horizon, encompassing the world in a peaceful night. Despite the tranquility of it all, Isla felt none of it.

They were seven days from Caterum and she chafed at the pace they were going at. There had been no Current to ride towards their destination and instead they were controlled by the whims of the wind. Instead of calming, the expanse before her was taunting, there was too much of it to cross in time they did not have.

Isla gripped the wheel as if trying to instill some of her urgency into the ship, asking it to do more. It heard her plea but there was nothing it could do against what nature wished. Around her the deck was almost empty, most of the crew down below sleeping off the previous days' ordeal.

They had had to outrun a storm and it had taken every man to keep the ship racing, battling waves and winds as they threatened to bring the ship down. Once free of danger, Isla had waved the crew all off, sending them to rest while she kept them on course.

Fatigue hung on her like a heavy blanket, but she fought it, the need to get to Isha driving her onward. A tired laugh floated from the main deck. Two figures were near the railing, one sitting on a barrel as the other lounged back. Even without the aid of the lantern, Isla would know who they were from their postures.

Sparrow had taken to Raif within a day, his eagerness to know about places he had never visited and people he had never met quickly attached him to the new addition to the crew.

To Isla's annoyance, he wasn't the only one. Where she had expected Raif to lord his position over others, he failed to do so. Instead, he worked alongside the sailors, attentive to what they had to teach him and quick to follow through on a task.

Though their trust was harder won, their respect was easily given. During the fight with the storm, Raif had done what was asked of him, he had stayed out of the way and done all he could not get in the way of others. With each acceptance of the sailor's to Raif ans his easy manner, Isla found herself easing to his presence, but never letting her guard down.

Sparrow wobbled on the barrel and Raif steadied him, saying something that the boy nodded to. Slipping of the lid, Sparrow wove his way below deck, sleep finally calling to him. Raif did not follow. Instead, he remained where he was. From his pocket, he pulled out a length of rope and fiddled with it, knots forming then disappearing with a single tug of one end.

After a stretch, Raif lifted himself off the railing and made for the quarterdeck. Isla watched as he drew closer, eyeing his slow, deliberate progress. When he climbed the stairs and planted himself on the railing once more, she waited.

In the past seven days, he had shown no signs of seeking her out and she had left him to move about, always keeping an eye on his activities.

Raif didn't speak, comfortable with letting the quiet hold them. Isla kept her gaze on the breathing landscape. The only sound was the splash of waves as the ship cut through the water and the brush of rope as Raif continued to make knots.

"Sparrow is younger than anyone else on the ship," Raif said, breaking the peace. "How did that happen?"

Isla didn't reply, unsure if she wanted to share anything with this uncommon nobleman, but when Raif waited, untroubled by her lack of response she spoke.

"I saved him from being beaten to death by a gang of older boys."

Raif kept his focus on his fingers, manipulating the cord to his design.

"And for your help, he owes his life to you?" he asked.

Isla tightened her fingers around the spokes. "No. Because I saved him my father offered him food, a dry place to sleep, and a job that would put money in his hands for the first time in his life."

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