Iworst day of my life

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I've decided to change up the book a little bit . just the main idea


Lycans pov

And that's the day I left, you heard me right I left my sophomore year of high school.( I forgot  wht grade I said  they where in so I changed it. )

I couldn't cope with the fact that Aurora didn't want me.  That day I went home packed everything up told my parents good by then left .

And here I am ,two years later coming back home .

I spent the two years I missed touring the world. I spent one  summer in Rio and another in Romania , however throughout the rest of the year I was just traveling where ever th wind took me , taking online to catch up with my school work .

although I loved traveling and sight  seeing, the whole time, I felt as if  there was a hole in my heart .And every once in a while I'd feel so much pain out of no where I'd pass out , I don't know where it comes from .


while I was lounging in my room in Romania my father summoned me and told me "the balence of the world has tipped son  and I feel something is not right and I need your help as the future king to help me balence it again son" I wasnt surprised I've been feeling something has been wrong for quite awhile now .

I instantly replied " Yes father as the future king of the underworld it is my duty" me father looked pleased me answer "good good although son this does require you to come home you know " now this new information shocked me I was hoping I'd be able to stay here . " right away father I will book my flight to Pennsylvania now"

( I don't remember saying where they lived if I did I now changed it)


So that's why I'm here now getting ready to go to  my old school the anticipation killing me . What's Auroras reaction going to be like ? Did she change , does she look the same . i hope she's not mad......nope she's probably mad I mean right after I told her I'd fight for her love I got up and left.....FUCK I'd hate me if I was her.

Auroras POV

FLASHBACK 2 years earlier

After school was over I drove home. my head was going crazy why can't Lycan just give up I don't want to get hurt again and he's making it so hard not to fall for him after what he said... once i pulled up to my home and walked in the house I took a look around and saw everything thrown around and ripped . frantically looking around for my mother to see if she's okay . where the hell are the maids !! I  finally found my mother just to find out she's the cause of all this mess the maids neglected to pick up as a matter of fact where the duck are the maids in the first place .

" MOM what the hell are you doing !!"  God i swear I think she's gone crazy . my mother looks at me with fury in her eyes and yells "OH and here come my precious baby girl the baby who took everything away from me and ruined my life !!!" I look at her as if she actually has gone crazy " are you serious I haven't done anything or took anything from you!!!!"

"ahh but you see darling you have because of you I had to give up my mate . I had to give up my other half so you could be happy . I was young and stupid then I should have just killed you when I found out I was pregnant with you !!! your worthless pathetic weak ..and once the time comes your going to take my kingdom from me !!!! before you came here I was the chosen one the one with almost every power but you had to come and even take that from me  because , you have EVERY power in you pathetic ugly body  while my beautiful body only holds a small amount ."

I was shocked you could say the least tears running down my face my heart breaking into tiny little pieces I feel as if i was just drowned stomped on burned and ran over all at once .

all the while my petty excuse for a mother is standing there smirking at me with her evil back  soulless eyes.

" mmm-oom Y-yyou don't mean tthat" I shudder out

" God Aurora grow up yes I ment it every fucking word!!!!" she runs at me and in a second she's in front of me holding me by my throat my body  pressed againsted  the wall .

as my tears run down my face and my air supply waining . the last thing heard was " worthless" hissed out from my mother .

and at that exact moment I believed her I believed every word she had said I am worthless useless pathetic ugly weak and everything else .

two months later

I never got my powers dear mummy is so happy about that

I don't know why I never got them .

Alec, Sam , and Drake  left  I dont know why they just disappeared the only people i believed i could truly love left .... MY FUCKING PROTECTORS LEFT ME !!!!

Lycan left , I guess Thts what I wanted but he said he'd fight for me he said he was falling for me . I guess no one loves me everyone who said they did left ,, is it me am I that ugly weak and pathetic no one can love me or even stand to be with me . I guess fear is the heart of love .I was afraid to get hurt again but I loved him . he actually left the exact day he told me he'd fight for me the day he told me he was falling for me .

I don't believe in love anymore , I guess love dosent exist  it's just a figure of imagination that humans have drilled into everyone's head so they can feel better about themselves so they can believe that there someone out her who can except them for who they are flaws and all . when in reality everyone sees flaws and yet they choose to point out the flaws you have no one will ever except you for who you are . that's why society is so fucked up it created the perfect person and everyone trys to be that perfect person so they will feel loved .when even if they do find someone that person won't like them for who they are as a matter of fact they won't like them at all . people confuse love with lust in reality love is lust love doesn't exist.

I'm alone I have no one no reason for living .

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