i dont want you

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i woke up to my mother screming for me to get ready ." lycan get your ass down her before i kill you!!" my family has some problums , why cant i go a day without my mom killing me , she did it once and it was so hard to get back from the under world thank god im part dead.

i rolled off my bed towards the shower and sliped on a bring me the horizon shirt and black skinny jeans then i  changed my snake bites  and my eyebrow piercing to red .(its my faveriote color) and threw on my red vans ,and walked down staris .

" oh theres my stupid emo brother i was getting worried you killed yourself Lycan" Demetri calmly said " oh well dont worry before i kill myself brother ill make shure to kill you to." i spat "BOYS thats enough, im tired odf you two fighting when will it stop" my mother said getting frustrated .i looked up and said " it will stop mother when he realizes Auroras mine not his." ( i glared at him) " your funny lycan i got to go before i laugh to hard bye mother" he smirked and walked away. i lunged for him but my mother stoped me ." lycan what did i say about hurting your brother.?" she scold me " whatever mom i need to go to school bye

i walked out of the house and went to my new black ferri and drove to school


ugh today is the day i need to go back to school. at least ill have my boys with me all the time we got attached twice in the time i got out of the hospital form two diffrent gangs ,we won each time . we still neeed to choose our gang name ( IF NO ONE COMMENTS ON THE GANG NAME BY NEXT MONDAY ILL PICK ONE MY SELF THXX :p)

i rolled out of bed and giot dressed i chose a motionless in white shirt some ripped skinny jeans and some AA,SWS,BMTH,PTV Braclets . and walked down stairs to meet up with Sam,Alec,Drake so we can all get ready to go to school. 

' lets go fat asses or we'll be late" i screamed walking out the door fallowed by drake Alec and Sam , we all got on our moter cycles and drove to school.

once we pulled up to the school everyones head turned our way ,and they all started whispering and gossiping about why i was at the hospital. apparently alot of them believed we where challenged by a gang and i got shot. and others where saying i attempted to kill myself. well that one was from the schol slut..


once we pulled up to the school everyone started to gossip about why Aurora was in the hospital. i rolled my eyes got off my motorcycle grabed Aurora by the hand and pulled her into the school fallowed by sam and Alec. 

Alec and Sam have been my best friend since we where kids which everyone thought was weird because we are all diffrent species but weve always have felt connected i guess because we are all Auroras protecters and we all need to be connected to help protect her. when we first saw her in the garden it was like our heart was finnally filled with a reason to live . we protectors dont have mates and we do not wish to have mates our sole purpose in life is to serve the person we where created to protect and for us thats Aurora she is all we need in life to be happy . we are not romantically involved with eachother our feeling are simply family based , we see her as a younger sister we need to protect nd we would do anything for her. we would ll be so lost nd lonely if anything happend to her.

Alec was the one who suggested we create a gang and in a way im kinda glad we did create this . it gives us a chance to always be protecting her well that and its going to be so fun. 

" hay are you okay " Aurora said looking up at me with her big innocent eyes . i lughed "ya Roar im fine just thinking" " you know thinking isnt very good for you " she said walking away with sam to her first period class.

" hay man what where you thinking  so hard about" asked Alec " i was thinking about how life would be if we lost her" i replied truthfully. alec gave me a sad smile " you know that would never happen bro will always be there for her" " Yah your right i guess i was just being paranoid " i gave him a weak smile and walked away to my class.


as i was walking aurora to our first period class science with mr. Boy kin we bumped into the school slut . ( grate shes going to cuse something)

" watch where your going emo "Aurora immediately said something back " shut the fuck up maria when will you learn i dont give  shit about what you think of me"  ( i forgot if i gave her a name)" well u should care about what i think of you, and like everyone else i think you shoukd just go kill yourself i mean no one wants you ,your own father didnt want you so he forced your mom to take you in , because your a emo bitch' maria stated a matter of factly . aurora was in her face a matter of seconds.


this bitch is getting on my nerves once she mentiond my dad not wanting me i lost it . i was in her face hold her against the loker by her throat in a maater of seconds" at least im not some easy slut who lets anything that has a dick fuck me . at least i dont make myself throw up because im fat. and at least even thou my dad dosent want me my mom does bitch . and last time i checked your parents are never home they always make an excuse to not be there because you are a pathetic excuse of a daughter.no one likes you all you are is fake . and your little school kingdom will fall apart bitch and i will be there when it does and  i will be the cause of it. rember that bitch " and with that i droped her on the ground .

when i looked up i saw we drew in quite the auddence , praticly all the school was here with there mouth hanging open and there phines out because they recorded it




grate were late to science again. i grabbed Sams and pushed through the croud and ran to mr.boykins class.once we got there he glared at us and told us to find a seat .

" sam i think hes on his period" "Roar im pretty shure guys dont have periods." " who said he was a guy"



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