Chapter 12

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After Tori and Jade got off their plane and left the airport, they went to their hotel. It was pretty dark already so they went to bed. There was 1 king sized bed in their hotel room.

Next morning

Jade's POV
"Hey, wake up! It's morning."

*Tori moans*

"Get up!"

Jade gets a pillow and wacks Tori with it screaming get up

"Ok ok! I'm up. What time is it?"

"It's 2 pm."

"Dang we slept that long?"

"Well we did have an uncomfortable nap on the plane for 4 hours and we got here at 3 am last night."

"We missed breakfast and lunch."

"Well it's the first day out of 60. What do you want to do?"

"I'm hungry, let's go somewhere to eat."

They walked around and finally saw a place

While eating...

"Oh, I forgot to tell you I signed us up for a 2 week tour around Europe." I told her.

"That's good news! I was worried we'd run out of things to do. When are we going?"

"Next week. For the rest of this week, I figured we could walk around here and see what there is to do."

Within the whole week Tori and Jade just hung out with each other, mainly walked around and got to know each other more


The tour is stating today. Tori and Jade were told to meet everyone else who's going at the airport

Jade's POV
"Ugh I hate that there's so many other people going."

"It's ok, there's only like 14 other people here. And most of them seem like a couple or family."

"You know I don't like people."

"Just try not to scare them."

A lady starts to walk up to us.

"Hi! I'm Sara, I'll be your tour guide. I assume your Jade West and Tori Vega?"

"Yes, I'm Tori. Nice to meet you!"

"You too, are you two cousins?"

I'm about to kick this Sara girl.

"Umm, no. Jade's my girlfriend."

"Oh, well sorry for the misunderstanding."

"It's ok!" Vega says still sounding happy as ever.

"Well it was nice meeting you both! Here's a packet, it'll tell you our schedule for the next 2 weeks! If you have any questions just ask but I have to go greet the others, bye!"

"Well she seems nice."

"Yeah... I don't like her."


"Oh relax, I won't do anything to her."

"You better not."

"I just don't like her personality. She's too, you know seems like the type who's happy over everything and too nice."

"So me basically."


"Wow I'm offended."

"But I still fell for you."

"Aww. Your so sweet."

"I'm Jade West, don't call me sweet!"

"Well too bad, you are."

"But I still don't like Sara."

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