Chapter 11

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After school Jade came home and went to her room. There's no one home

Jade's POV
Ugh why does it bother me so much to let our friends know? I know I love her a lot. So why can't I live with the idea of our friends knowing? I should text Cat.

Jade's texting conversation with Cat

Jade: Hey are you busy right now?

Cat: No, anything wrong?

Jade: Kind of.

Cat: What happened?

Jade: Tori wanted to tell the rest of our friends about us today. I was fine with the idea when she mentioned it over the weekend but then... I was shaking before going up to them then I ran out the door.

Cat: That is tough.

Jade: What do you think it means? I know I'm in love with Tori.

Cat: I think maybe you still can't believe the fact that your dating Tori so your not ready to let other people know either. But I'm sure within time, you'll be more comfortable with it. Since summer is coming soon, maybe go somewhere far with her and express your love for each other in public. That could possibly help you be more comfortable before letting the school know.

Jade: Ok, thanks Cat!

End of Jade and Cat's conversation

Jade's texting conversation with Tori

Jade: Hey

Tori: Hey!

Jade: You sure your not mad about me running out this morning?

Tori: Of course not!

Jade: Since were done with school in 3 weeks, do you want to go on vacation together?

Tori: Sure! Where are you thinking of?

Jade: Somewhere far.

Tori: Ok.

Jade: How about Switzerland?

Tori: I'm fine with that but why Switzerland?

Jade: I don't know I just thought of a random place. It's pretty far.

Tori: You want to go for 2 months?

Jade: Yeah.

Tori: Is there a specific reason you want to go somewhere far?

Jade: I'll tell you but don't be mad.

Tori: Ok.

Jade: Cat told me I should go somewhere far with you like to a place where there's people who won't know us. She said if we express our love in public then I'd possibly be more comfortable with letting our friends know.

Tori: I'm ok with that. Plus a vacation with my love does sound nice.



Jade and Tori are on their way to the airport. Tori's parents let her go and Jade's dad doesn't care.

Jade's POV
"Oh god, the check in line is so long!"

"Oh don't wine, it'll be faster then you think!"

It better be.

The check in took 40 minutes. They finally got on the airplane. There was only 2 seats next to each other. Tori and Jade got a seat next to each other.

"I think our seats are right here."

"I'll sit in the inside." Vega suggested.

The airplane started moving 30 minutes later. The flight was 7 hours long. Tori and Jade mostly just slept. But 5 hours in, a turbulence woke them up.

"What the heck! Is there a monkey flying this plane or something?" I screamed.

"Relax, it's just a bit of turbulence."

I hate turbulence, I always have. It was funny watching videos of airplane crashes and people dying from it. But I never thought of the idea of it happening to me.

Tori looks over and realizes Jade is gripping tightly on the arm rest and is closing her eyes.

Shoot, I can't let Vega see me like this, I have to try and calm down. Girlfriend or not, I can't let her see me being afraid of a bit of turbulence. She'll probably laugh and tell the whole school. Suddenly a feel a hand on mine. I open my eyes and look down, I see Vega's hand on mine. I look at her and see her smiling at me.

"It's ok if your scared."

"Y-y-your not going to laugh?"

"Of course not, why would I?"

"Because I'm Jade West, a girl who isn't scared of anything."

"Like I once said, everyone has a weakness. And I would never use anyone's weaknesses to harm them."


I felt relieved after having her hand on mine. I almost forgot about the turbulence

"Hey, let's talk to kill time, we still have 2 hours."


Tori and Jade both talked throughout the rest of the ride. Tori's hands never left Jade's. The turbulence eventually stopped after 5 minutes.

They finally arrived in Switzerland

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