1 || arriving

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     We arrived at Southampton

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  We arrived at Southampton. I exited the vehicle along with my sister Rose, and looked up at the Titanic.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about." Rose stated.   "It doesn't look any bigger then the Mauretania."

"You can be blasé about some things Rose, but not about Titanic." Cal said.  "It's over 100 feet longer then Mauretania, and far more luxurious."

I followed beside Rose as we continued to gaze at the so called "unsinkable ship". I'm not sure I believe that, any ship could sink. I hope this one doesn't though.

Mother joined us, and our maid Trudy helped with the luggage. My head turned around when I heard an whistle blow out.

"Ladies, we better hurry." Cal walked over to us.

I followed everyone to the ship, we all boarded, with people welcoming us. I was taking deep breaths, this was the ship of dreams everyone had said, but it didn't feel like it, I could feel more and more trapped on this ship. I'm already trapped with this whole rich lifestyle, and I'm supposed to be this polite, well-behaved girl. But I want to be able to express my true self, make my own choices. The only person who actually understands me is Rose, my older sister. She's never been interested in the money, she just wants to do what she wants to do. Not have someone be forcing her to do stuff.

When Rose told me about the engagement to Cal, me and her both were disgusted. He thinks he can make every single choice for her, and just flat out abusive. I've never seen him hit her, but I'm her sister, I know he does and that makes me sick.

But there's nothing I can do to change anything, trust me if I could. Rose and I wouldn't be in this situation.


Once we got to our rooms, Rose got out the paintings that me and her both love.

"This one?." Trudy asked, taking out one.

"No." I muttered.  "It had a lot of faces on it, right?."

"Yeah, oh this is the one." Rose got the painting out.

"Would you like all of them out, miss?." Trudy asked.

"Yes, this room needs a little color." Rose told her.  It does honestly, aside from the candles, there isn't much color.

"God, not those finger paintings again." Cal remarked as he walked into the room.   "They certainly were a waste in money."

I picked up another painting.  "The difference between Cal's taste of art and ours, is that we have some."  Rose softly chuckled at the remark.

"Evelyn's right, they're fascinating." Rose agreed.    "It's like being inside a dream or something, there's truth but no logic."

"What's the artist's name?." Trudy asked her.

"Something Picasso." Rose guessed. I think that's right.

"Something Picasso." Cal scoffed.  "He won't amount to anything."  I rolled my eyes and left the room to put some paintings in my room.


At Cherbourg, a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown. We all called her Molly. She was what mother called "new money". She was nice, and funny, I liked her honestly.

By the next afternoon, we were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.


I sat in between mother and Rose at the dining hall as we ate lunch. I wasn't really talking, or even listening to the conversation, I was taking little bites of the food and sips of the tea.

"Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay?." I heard Rose ask, which kinda snapped me out is my thoughts.   "His ideas about the male preoccupation in size might be an particular interest for you."

I almost laughed but quickly held it in.

"What has gotten into you?." Mother whispered.

"Excuse me." Rose quickly excused herself from the table. I wanted to go after her, but I'm sure she probably wants time alone and to think. That's sure what I need.

"I do apologize." Mother said, nervously smiling.

"She's a pistol Cal, hope you can handle her." Molly smirked.

"Well, I might have to start minding what she reads from now on, won't I Mrs. Brown?."
Or she can read what she wants to read.

"Freud? Who is he? He a passenger?." Ismay asked.


    3rd Person POV.

    Jack drew in his portfolio, of one of the passengers

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    Jack drew in his portfolio, of one of the passengers. He was beside his friend Fabrizio.

"This ship is nice huh?." Fabrizio said to another guy whom they have met that same day.

"Yeah, it's an Irish ship." He said with an Irish accent.

"It is English, no?."

"No, it was built in Ireland. 15,000 Irishmen built this ship. Solid as a rock, big Irish hands."
As he said that, a few dogs walked by, being led by an leash.   "That's typical. First class dogs come down here to take a shite."

"Let's us know where we rank in the scheme of things." Jack told him.

"Like we could forget." He chuckled.  "I'm Tommy Ryan."

"Jack Dawson."  They shook hands.

"Fabrizio." He introduced.

"Do you make any money with your drawings?."

Jack suddenly got distracted when Rose DeWitt Bukater walked out on the upper deck. Rose looked out at the ocean, leaning her arms on the railing.

"Ah, forget it boyo. You'd have like angles fly out of your arms as to get next to the likes of her."

Jack kept looking at her, Rose occasionally would glance in his direction. At one point, it was though they made eye contact.

It was soon interrupted by Cal coming up to her, pulling her back. Rose walked away, with him behind her.


  Okay first chapter uploaded!

    Next chapter coming up soon!

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