A night out

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And with that, we're a day closer to the Sand village. A day closer to seeing Temari. A day closer to seeing my friend Kankuro and Gaara. A day closer to getting my revenge on the Akatsuki.

"We're FINALLY here" Choji yells. Yeah finally. 😒

"Hey guys" I hear a voice say behind me 

"GAARA!" I run up to him and hug him...Shikamaru looks a lil' jealous "Where's Kankuro?"

"He's on a mission but he should be arriving any minute now"

"Hey, (Y/N)"

"Oh, hello Temari" I can tell she has a fake smile on just because she knows we have competition


"KANKURO!" I run up to him and hug him tight... again, Shikamaru looks jealous, what's up with him?

"How have you been?" he asks

"I've been good, you know, missions here and there" I tell him shaking it off

"Nice, why are you guys here?" he asks in curiosity 

"We're picking up your sister, we have to work with her for the new chunin exams ugh" I obviously say that last part in a whisper.

"Oh, so are you leaving soon?"

"Yeah we're heading out tomorrow morning, why?"

"Oh nothing" he says 


We all walk to the Kazekage, Gaara's office. He sits us down and tells us where we will be staying for the night what we will be eating ect. We go to where we are staying and put our stuff down.

"We should go out in town the four of us" I say, then we hear a knock at the door "Hello?" I answer the door, it's Kankuro. "Oh hey, Kankuro"


"We were just talking about going out in town, do you want to join us?"


"Let's go then, you can show us around"

We all go Ino and I talking and Kankuro, Shikamaru, and Choji talking

"So, what happened the other day when you were going to cuddle with Shikamaru?"

"Ino! We don't talk about that here, not in public" I blush "Especially not around him"

"Hey guys" Kankuro joins us

"Oh hey, Kankuro"

"Where do you guys want to go first"

"O we should go somewhere where they have food"

"YES!" I hear Choji say behind us

"Ok, I'll take you to the best bbq in the sand village"

"HECK YEAH!" Choji exclaims again and I can't help but giggle

We get there Ino sits next to me and there is an empty seat next to me. Kankuro and Shikamaru glare at each other before I yell "Shikamaru come sit next to me!" He comes over and sits next to me and Kankuro across from me. We all order and Choji and I dig right in.

"So I heard Naruto is going to be back soon" Kankuro says 

"Yeah, we haven't seen that boy in the longest time, it gets quiet when he isn't there" I say missing him.

"I bet"

"So, what'e been going on in the sand village?" Shikamaru asks 

"Nothing exciting just the usual, and the hidden leaf?"

"Same, we've just been waiting for Naruto to come back"

"I guess it's been pretty boring around the villages lately"


"Let's talk about something else guys! You guys look depressed" I say trying to change the conversation because I was getting bored

"I'll have you know that I am very happy right now" Kankuro says in a sarcastic tone. I laugh

"Then if you're so happy why are you talking about village stuff. You act like you're the Kazekage"

"Hey! It's very hard having my brother as the Kazekage. You can't be talking" I crack up

"You guys are so childish" I say 

"Am not!" Kankuro replies.

"Whatever you say, Kankuro" I say giggling

~Kankuro's POV~

Damn that Shikmaru he's always taking (Y/N) away from me. I don't know why Temari is so obsessed with him.... I have an idea! I'll get (Y/N) to myself for the rest of the afternoon, invite Temari so she can be with Shikamaru, and tell (Y/N) how I feel. 

"I'll be back guys" I say going to the bathroom to call Temari over 

"ok" (Y/N) says

I call Temari


"Hey, Temari you want to come out with us."

"Who's us and where?"

"You know (Y/N) and her friends"

"I don't think I can go I'm busy right now Kankuro" she says in an annoyed voice 

"Oh, that's too bad I guess I'll tell Shikamaru you aren't coming after all"

"Wait, did you say Shikamaru? I'm on my way." She hangs up before I can even tell her where we were. Whatever, she can figure it out. But my plan is coming into action.

I leave the bathroom and see everyone is ready to leave.

"You ready?" (Y/N) says

"Yeah, let's go" I say

It's only a few minutes before I see Temari.

"Oh, hey Temari. Sorry I forgot to tell you guys that I invited Temari if that's fine"

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"Damn it" I whisper to Ino

"Damn right, I don't like her either"

"She's going to take my Shikamaru away from me" I whisper in a whiny voice

"It's ok, I got a plan" 

"What is it?"

"We just leave her with Kankuro, while you talk to Shikamaru the rest of the night. It's a great plan Kankuro will finally leave you alone and you can be with Shikamaru"

"Ok but how will I make sure that she will stay away from us?"

"Don't worry I got this" She goes to Temari and Kankuro and they walk off somewhere. Damn it she forgot about Choji. What am I supposed to do with him. Then, I just see him walk off. 

"Where is Choji going?" I ask Shikamaru

"He went to go get some snacks"

"Typical Choji" We both laugh. This is why I love him. When we laugh together. When we can cry together. It just makes our bond stronger. 

"Do you want to go back to the hotel before everyone else"

"Sure" We went back and I sat on the bed and he sat on the couch.

"You want to watch a movie?"

"Actually Shikamaru I want to tell you something"

To be continued...

I'm Sorry I've been so behind on my writing but because of this quarantine I'm finally going to be able to write. To make up for all the lost time I made this chapter 1000 words

Maybe Love Isn't a Drag.... (reader x Shikamaru) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now