♥01♥ A combination you should fear

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"We're finally on shore!" Yuuki jumped up and down on the sandy beach, cheering at the fact that they're on land.

"We would have landed faster if you didn't poke a motherfucking hole on our boat." Katsuki retorted angrily.

Now that they're on land, what now? Katsuki wondered where to start; he's starting to feel as if he was standing in the middle of nowhere with no direction. 

"Oi," He then pointed at the still burning island, "Why is that island on fire?" 

"I don't know." Yuuki answered him.

"Am I the one who caused it?" 

"I don't know."

"You don't know anything!" He slapped the back of her head for that! He thought demons were supposed to be smart and know a lot of things that humans couldn't comprehend but here was a demon who could not answer a single one of his questions! If he knew he had signed a contract with a dumb demon, he wouldn't have signed it! He got conned! He must have got conned! 

"I'm a demon wolf, not the world's answer to everything!" 

"You think you're so smart answering me like that, don't you?!"

"Ehhh..." Yuuki began to wonder if her master was for real or not. What a tyrant! Damned if she answers, damned if she doesn't! 

Katsuki couldn't remember even if he wanted to. Something also told him he shouldn't believe the men on the ships.

"What happened to the men?" katsuki asked her.

"They made their way back to the island. Don't worry, I used my aura to protect them. They all should have the lung capacity to make it back to shore alive." He never told her to kill them so Yuuki sank the ships while keeping everyone alive and give them the escaping chance and not become food for sharks.

"Hmph, being alive is better than being shark bait." Katsuki was glad this demon wasn't so stupid-

"Shark bait, hoo ha ha!"

"I take it back, you are dumb."

"Should have read the small prints." 

"Damn you...!" 


Walking through the forest, the two of them decided to go on a journey searching for answers. They need to find a way to get his memories back; the missing memories might put all the puzzle pieces back together and hopefully answer all of the questions flying around his head. First thing's first, never trust anyone so easily. 'The only I can trust is myself and this thing.' He looked to the side to see Yuuki was gone. "Huh?" He looked on ahead and he could see she was trying to catch a butterfly. She succeeded! 

"Katsuki, look! I caught it!" She caught it and she wanted him to see it after making a gap with her fingers so he could see it but not let the butterfly escape.

"Idiot, they have a short life as it is already, don't catch them." He touched her hand and he gently made her let go of it. "Let it enjoy its life while it can." 

The butterfly fluttered away to freedom. 

"Hmm..." Yuuki looked at the butterfly and then at Katsuki. She smiled, "You're surprisingly kind." 

"And you're surprisingly doing a good job of doing stupid shit."


"It isn't a compliment, you idiot!" 

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