They were waiting for us

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Although unsettling Opal and I didn't talk about what happened and later that morning, we all piled in the wagon and went on our trip. We had a great time, but when we came home, we were met with all of the lights on and old music playing loud coming from inside.

People were standing around in my living room, two separate groups like two different periods. I turned to my boyfriend and asked how those people got in, and if he left the door unlocked, he told me, "No! Why the hell would I do that? You saw me lock it!"

We all got out of the wagon and cautiously approached the front door. As I got closer, I could see a couch not where our furniture was, with a man in a white tank top sitting there.

He was dirty, and he was looking at this boy standing in the corner with such hatred, you could tell the boy was abused by the way he was standing there with his head down. That's when he looked up at me, and it pierced my soul, even now thinking about him.

The kids were scared, and the dog was growling. I grabbed the doorknob to put my key in, just then the music stopped, and the lights went out.

We opened the door and nothing, nothing had been moved, and no one was there. I couldn't get the image of that sad looking little boy I saw standing there out of my mind, and it was a while before I saw him again.

It was a beautiful day, my boyfriend and his mother were still at a doctors appointment, and the kids and I were out grocery shopping having a good time. I usually kept the living-room light on when I knew we were going to get home after dark, I didn't realize we would be gone that long, and it was just starting to be dusk.

I pulled into the gate, and I think the kids were a little too rambunctious, too much spare change quarter machine candy, I guess.

I sat for a moment planning my attack by getting all these groceries, a sleeping baby, and the two girls up the steps and into the house when I noticed movement in the living-room. No one was home. I could hardly see anything in there because the light wasn't on.

I started to get out when the girls jumped out of the car and started running for the steps, "STOP!" I yelled and ran over to them. We could hear noises like a child running around, and my eldest daughter to this day says she saw a little boy and describes him to a T, but at that moment, I thought it might be an intruder or something.

Three steps went up to a landing, a locked front door opening into a windowed screened-in porch, then the three french doors.

I told the kids to go to the car, but they were too scared to leave my side, both of them clutching the back of my shirt. I armed myself with a big stick by the landing and forged through. I burst through the front door to the porch, and he was there, his face with his two hands cupped against the glass as if he was peering out and then he vanished, it was the boy I saw standing in the corner that day. We went inside, and I searched every room with my obviously frightened children practically attached to my side.

There was no one there.. was my mind playing tricks on me and was I projecting my fear onto the girls?

I turned on all the lights in the house and ran out to get my sleeping baby and the rest of the groceries out of the car when I stopped in my tracks. There on the glass were two crescent moon handprints, and it was fogged up where his nose was, it stayed there for at least twenty minutes.

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