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Epilogue: After Effect

*two years later*

"Mommy! Liam took my dog!"

"She's ours, Leelo." My son drops his arms dramatically, his mouth agape. "Wait, where is Tequila?"

"Over there." I point to the door, watching the twins run away together.

Damien was in the pool by himself and I step in, wrapping my arms around his torso.


"Hi." He chuckles, keeping me close to him. "I've missed you."

"How did you miss me and I've been standing there this whole time?" I laugh, feeling his arms move down to grasp my behind.

"Because you weren't next to me."

"I am now."

"Good. Can I get all your attention?" Damien kisses me and I reciprocate, the both of us getting lost in the feeling.

"Mommy!" The twins yell, snapping us out of the moment.

"I'm coming!" I yell back to them, swimming out of Damien's hold to get out the pool.

"You'll be doing that later." My husband laughs, tapping my behind.

"Inappropriate man."


"Best friend!"

"Aunty Tia!"

Lilian and her three year old daughter walk inside, the both of them hugging me.

"Where are the other three year old monsters?" My friend asks, referring to my kids.

"Don't be rude. And they're playing outside." I laugh, sending Daisy outside.

Damien and Ethan do a bro-hug before coming in, standing with the both of us.

Lili and Ethan just happened to be pregnant a couple months after I had the twins. She wanted to keep it a secret until they knew if they were doing to keep the baby.

Thankfully they did, and now Daisy is here and my twins can be friends with her.

"I brought a bottle of wine." Lili pulls the bottle from her bag, pointing it at Damien. "It's lit."

"Yes it is." My husband walks away into into the kitchen, coming back with four glasses in his hand. "Do you want some too, Tia? I brought a glass for you just in case."

"A little maybe." I shrug.

The four of us sit on the couch, me sitting on Damien's lap.

He groans lightly as I try to get comfortable, holding both of our glasses in my hands.

"Lili? We have to go out tomorrow. The guys can watch the kids." I tell my friend, waiting for our husbands' responses.

"You sure you want to leave me with the twins, Tia? I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Daddy and child day?" I suggest , pouting at the same time.

"Of course. You deserve it." Damien kisses my cheek as I hold my head back, drinking the liquid in my glass.

Damien looks me in my eyes before taking his finger and wiping the corner of my mouth, smirking.


Damien thinks to himself before leaning closer, biting my ear.

"I'm just thinking about what I'm going to do to you tonight." He chuckles deeply, the vibrations turning me on.

I cough awkwardly, patting Lilian quickly. "Let's go outside with the kids."


"I made this for you, Aunty Tia." Daisy gives me a toothy grin, handing me a small collection of clovers. "Momma said they were, four- four leaf clovers."

The little girl counts on her hands to remember the number and I watch my kids stand in front of Lilian.

"And we made you this." They hand Lilian a few lilies from the garden, and I feel my heart pang at the cuteness. "Mamma said it was okay."

The twins speak in unison as they use the words their father started teaching them, smiling proudly.

"Daisy? Let's go play more." Leelo holds Daisy's hand and they run back to the play set, minding their own business.

"Tia? You can't hide from me." Lilian scoffs, crossing her legs.

"What ever do you mean?" I smile innocently, clasping my hands in front of my stomach.

"Tell him, or else I will." She instructs, reaching over to poke my stomach.

"I will, shit." I curse, pouting.

The guys come outside and I turn around quickly without thinking.

"Yo Damien. I'm pregnant." I laugh, making him stop in his tracks once he's behind me.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm fucking the shit out of you for keeping it from me." Damien answers nonchalantly, squeezing my shoulders.

My face drains and Lilian bursts out laughing, hitting my leg. "I'll pray for you."

No matter how terrified I am right now, I wouldn't have things any different.

Things happen for a reason, and meeting Damien is my reason. I wouldn't do anything differently.

"Damien. Would you like to play?" Liam stands in front of his dad, smiling sneakily.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry. Daddy, would you like to play with us?" Leelo asks for him, swinging her leg.

"Of course. Anything for you guys." The two of them take either of his hands and take him to the play set. Damien looks back at me, mouthing words. "Anything for you too, my love."

"Likewise." I mouth back, smiling.

"I love your dimple too!" Damien yells before getting tackled by the three kids, lost in cuteness.

"I love yours more!"

The after effect of almost become the sister-in-law? Actually falling in love.


Author's Note:

And I did it.

Thank you all so much for your support, it kept me going.

I'll be going more in depth with my thanks in the next part.

I absolutely love you all. Bye ♡︎

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