Chapter 6 : Confession

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I was in my bedroom, crying, when the door opened. I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up into TIlly's eyes. They were filled with compassion and worry.
I bury my head in her shoulder, "You guys were right! I was such a fool! Why did I listen to a guy I didn't even like that much over my friends?"
Tilly pats my back, "It's okay. He was the first guy who had ever shown interest in you. Of course you would want to date him. That's what happens. Remember that one guy in 6th grade who asked me out?"
I sit up and nod, "Yeah, he was a dummy."
She grins and agrees, "Yeah, he was. And do you remember comforting me when he broke up with me?"
I nod and she continues, "And look how I turned out! I'm now dating a wonderful boy and I still have a wonderful best friend! And I will always be your best friend and I know you will get a good guy someday."
I smile through my tears, "Thank you. I love you so much."
Tilly squeezes me, "I love you too Laura."
I look at her, worried, "What am I gonna do? How will I tell him that I know he cheated on me?"
"He lives right next to you. Either go over there and tell him or call or text him."
I take a deep breath and say, "I'm going over there right now."
She grins, "Okay, but first, get dressed and eat."
I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I start the shower and get in. After I'm done, I get dressed into black joggers and a gray t-shirt. Then, I throw my hair up in a messy bun.
I walk downstairs and into the living room. Tilly, Josh, and Joe are all sitting in there. Tilly smiles at me. She gets up and walks over to me. Then she turns to the boys, "Wait here." She grabs my arm and drags me into the hallway.
"Laura! Josh helped you last night! He literally did everything for you! He is so in-" She's cut off when Josh appears in the doorway.
"Tilly. Stop," He says, shaking his head at her.
I look confused at him, but before I can say anything, Tilly says, "Do you want me to come with you to Noah's?"
I nod, "Yes, if you want to."
She links her arm with mine as we walk toward the door, "Of course I want to! I can't wait to see his face!"
We leave the boys at home and walk over to Noah's house.
Noah opens the door after I knock on it. He smiles, which I can now see is fake, "Laura! How was your night?"
I smile sweetly at him, like nothing was wrong, "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?"
He looks confused, "Yeah, I actually would. Why are you acting like that?"
I nod behind him, "Can we come in?"
He opens the door more, "Sure."
Tilly and I follow him into his house and go into the living room. I sit down on the same couch I had gotten drunk on last night. Tilly automatically sits next to me and Noah has no choice but to sit across from us.
"So," I say, "I heard you were with another girl last night."
His face pales and he opens his mouth and then closes it.
"So it's true?" He slowly nods, and I continue, "Well, guess what? I'm breaking up with you. But before I go, I want to know why. Why did you cheat on me?"
"You really want to know?" I nod and he says, "Well, it started way back before you even moved here."
"I moved here in the summer before 3rd grade. How could anything have happened before that?"
"Well, you see, me and Josh used to be best friends."
My mouth drops in shock, "You did? What does Josh have to do with this?"
He scowls at me, "I'm getting there, be quiet and listen. Josh and I had been friends since we were in diapers. We went everywhere together. We only invited each other to birthday parties. We were best friends.
"Then in the summer before fourth grade for me and third grade for Josh, you moved here. We watched you move in with your brothers and sister and parents."
I smile, "I remember that! My brothers wanted to go play with you guys! I guess I never made the connection that that was you two."
He nods, "Well, I could tell Josh thought you were cute, but I didn't expect him to stop being friends with me. When you became best friends with Tilly and Joe, Josh decided to become friends with you guys too. And I guess we just drifted apart."
I frown, "But that still doesn't explain why you dated me."
He grimaces, "I knew Josh was about to ask you out in Personal Finance, so I took the chance to get back at him for leaving me. And well, I guess I didn't like you that much," he shrugs.
I stand up, "I can't believe you! You're not even sorry! You know, I've never had a boyfriend before! You were my first! And you broke my heart! But you know what?! I don't even care! I don't even care anymore!"
With that I turned and left the house with Tilly following me.

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