Chapter 4 : Can you be happy for me?

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The next day, I get to school and right away go straight to Tilly. She turns and smiles at me, "What's got you so happy?"
I grin back, "Guess who texted me last night?'
"Who? Josh?"
"No," I say, "You'll never guess."
TIlly scrunches up her face, "Umm... I give up who?"
"Noah Cockburn!" I say excitedly.
"What?!?" Tilly looks shocked, "Laura... You really shouldn't text him."
"Why not? And for your information, he texted me first."
"Well, how'd he get your number?"
"I gave it to him, he asked for it."
Tilly shakes her head, "Laura, he's bad news. I've heard things about him."
"What things?"
She raises her eyebrow at me, "You know, things!"
I shrug, "Well, I'm hanging out with him tonight."
Before Tilly can answer, Josh and Joe walk up, "Hanging out with who?" Joe asks.
I blush, "Noah Cockburn," I whisper.
The boys' reactions were surprising. Josh face turns stormy and he crosses his arms and looks away. Joe also frowns and then says, "Why him? He's a -"
"Joe!" Tilly says, "Don't finish that sentence. You know Laura hates swearing," she turns back to me, "But, Laura, seriously, he's bad news, please don't go out with him."
"Guys, this is the first boy who has ever asked me out! Why can't you be happy for me?"
Tilly shakes her head, "Not true. You were asked out in kindergarten and you said no."
My mouth falls open, "Tilly! That was kindergarten, it didn't count. The boy didn't even know what dating was! He had heard some older kids talking about it!"
Joe looks awkward, "Laura, I'd really like to be happy for you, seeing as we've been friends for so long, but it's just Noah... isn't a good person."
I turn to Josh, "How about you? Can you be happy for me?"
He ignores me, just keeps staring stormily off into space.
I huff, "Fine, if none of you can be happy for me, I guess I'll go to class." I stomp toward my locker, grab my stuff, and head to class.
The rest of the day was horrible. Josh didn't talk to me at all, or walk me to our classes. Lunch was a silent affair and Josh didn't even show up. The only good part about today was Personal Finance when Noah winked at me and said, "See ya tonight."

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