"I only had one cup of Whiplash."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "I find that very hard to believe."

Fumbling for the key Leila found the unlock button.  She tried to open the door but Grayson closed it as soon as she opened it.  He looked at her and she huffed.  

"Fine, so I had few cups of Whiplash but that was like an hour ago and I am fine."

"I don't care. You aren't driving."  His eyes darkened. "If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself." She couldn't if it was sarcasm or seriousness. Looking into his eyes, Leila quickly realized that he was serious.

"Fine. If I can't drive, then you give me a ride home."  She was a little shocked at her forwardness.  Maybe she really did have too much to drink.  

"Sorry I've already had a few cups of that poison tonight, so I can't help you."  She grunted at him and he chuckled.

"Fine. Then I'll just find someone inside to give me a ride home." She smirked at him pushing a fallen piece of hair to the side.

"Good luck, because most of the people that are left inside, which is about five or six, are spending the night so that they don't drink and drive. It's a rule of the pack. Also, I'm quite sure that from what I heard coming out of Riley's room, Sammi doesn't want to be bothered either."  

Frustrated, Leila pulls out her cell phone. "Okay, well I'll call a cab."

"At this time of night you definitely won't find one, because the town only has one cab driver and he is passed out on a couch inside," Grayson said.

Crossing her arms and pursing her lips she glared at him. "What the hell am I supposed to do then?"  

He leaned over, smiled, and whispered into her ear.  "Stay."

A shiver raced up and down her back at his breath on her ear. Hurriedly regaining her composure, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever."  She walked past him stalking into the house, listening to his chuckle from behind her.

Grayson led her to a room upstairs. She muttered a curt thank you and went inside.  The room was large and mostly white. There was a wrought iron bed with all white bedding.  A chrome desk sat beneath a large picture window with a lamp and computer on top. A large flat screen hung on the wall above the fireplace.  Black and white pictures hung on the otherwise empty wall above a black dresser.  A door to the left led to the bathroom, which contained a garden tub and shower with dual heads. A knock at the door pulled Leila from wondering how many times her condo could fit into the bedroom alone.  

She opened the door to see Grayson.  He was holding some clothes Leila recognized as Sammi's.

"I thought you might want something more comfortable to sleep in." She took the t-shirt and jogging pants from him, surprised at his gesture. 

Letting a small smile show, she spoke. "Thank you."  He nodded and turned to walk away. 

Laying in bed for what seemed like hours, unable to sleep, Leila decided to get up.  Walking to the bathroom a glimmer through the window caught her eye. Looking out the window, she saw a small pond in front of the house with a two seater swing in front of it. Slipping on a pair of slippers she found in the bathroom, she left her room to explore the pond. 

Once she got out to the swing, she quietly sat down and curled her knees to her chest. It was a peaceful place.  A good place to get lost in her thoughts.  She contemplated finding a compatible roommate to take Sammi's place. She knew it would be an impossible task.  No one would ever be the roommate that Sammi was.  She thought about how much she missed her family.  The fact that Sammi found her mate and that she wanted the same crossed her mind as well.  Being so deep in her thoughts, she didn't hear Grayson approach. He was wearing black knit pants, a white v-neck shirt, and a navy blue cardigan. He smelled so good. If only she could figure out what that scent is.

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