one step at a time

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry Seungwan there is another project this week and my team decided before we went to comatose for this project, we should loosen up a bit before having that tight schedule a-and my phone went dead." Seungwan know that was a lie. Joohyun was lying to her since last month. And now she is lying again. She already check on Joohyun by calling her office but none of her co worker mention this small party her wife mention just now. This town is not that big, it's easy to spot someone twice in a day. Tonight was supposed to be their 5th anniversary. Is Joohyun who insist that they should celebrate it as what Joohyun call 'Alpha Team', because they are having good job for maintain this relationship, this force up relationship.

"It's okay, you are now home is the matter. Just text me or something next time okay? Now go to wash and sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." So Joohyun went and gave a hug to Seungwan. Joohyun smell different and she know too well who those perfume belongs to. And that night for the first time she cried for herself for falling for the wrong person.


"Wan-ah wait!" Seungwan can hear Joohyun shouting and chasing her from behind. Her heart stung. "Seungwan! I can explain." Joohyun finally catches up with Seungwan by blocking her path toward her SUV.

"Explain what Joohyun? That you bring a guy to my house to make out? You are not respecting me!" This is the first time Joohyun heard Seungwan mad at her. Her sweet and caring Seungwan even shout at her.

"Seungwan we both drunk-"

"If you drunk just go to hotel instead my house!" Seungwan shout cause Joohyun cower and took a step back a bit. Seungwan breathing hard and look away. She can't deal with this right now. Not when she is hurting and hot head.

"Seungwan I am sorry, we didn't mean-" The guy stood beside Joohyun. It took him seconds before he realize what is happening.

"Stay away J. This is family matter and you have no right to step in. now fuck off before I call the police for you trespassing my house." Seungwan said while gritting her teeth. She never swear or so mad like this before. She knows it's not J's fault. It's not Joohyun's fault too. She knows that. She know Joohyun is dating and she know that Joohyun is kind of having serious thing with J. It can't be denied when J and Joohyun working together at the same department. But at least Joohyun shouldn't rub it in front of Seungwan's face by showing intimate skin ship at her house. It was like Joohyun is slapping her with harsh reality that Joohyun can't be hers.

"Seungwan! No J stay." Joohyun said as she took a hold of J hand cause Seungwan chuckle. 'I'll never be in love my ass.'

"I am such a fool." Seungwan step back a bit, mumbleing and balled her fist.

"Seungwan." Joohyun look at Seungwan. She seems, different. She never saw Seungwan like this. Shaking and look hurt.

"Joohyun, I don't mind if you were in relationship with him or whoever you want." Seungwan pause, tried hard to control herself from breaking down.

"I am just disappointed that you always lie to me. All this time, all you have to do is telling me and I will still fucking supporting you even if we were legally married." Tears were pooling at the edge of her eyes but Seungwan have her dignity. She had it enough.

"I thought all this years, you already open up to me. I thought it was okay to follow your father's willed because I believe my feelings for you will worn out one day. But how wrong I was." Seungwan smile as she took off the ring that stays on her finger for years.

"I fall to deep already Joohyun without me even knowing it and I am really sorry for myself." A tear escape from Seungwan's eyes. It can't be help. She lost it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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