T h i r t y - N i n e

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The city shone with the burst of humanity, consisting of narrow labyrinths and mysteries the girl would never get to uncover. The encompassing air spoke of Spring, though no doubt was masked by the pollution of the large city she ambled through. 

If it had been her first time in one, she would surely freak out, but after living in a city, she found a form of calmness in the rush mentality of it, in the way restless businessmen passed her by, without sparing her a single glance, or in the way aspiring artists enclosed each corner she rounded, presenting to her a newfound form of talent. Living in a city made her realize her worries were far beyond her, and she was just another broken soul among millions of others, all who at the end of the day, shared the same journey as her. 

"Thanks for meeting up with me, it means-" Manon faded her words out with a formidable exhale, her lengthy breath indicating to the other soul, just how much the gesture truly meant "So much".

"Well, I was in the area, couldn't leave a friend in need" The fabled blond responded as he nudged the girl in need in her shoulder, earning a chuckle of affection in return. He had surely missed her "So tell me, what was your fight about"?

"Fight, what do you mean fight"? Manon shook her head with rumpled brows. Of course, her and Timothée had a bit of an argument, but to her awareness, only she and Timothée knew of it it, which only made her wonder if the brunet had reached out to Armie first. 

"Oh come on" Armie rolled his eyes with a scoff "You ask me to meet up with you without Tim, when you're usually stuck up each other's asses" He chuckled to himself at her innocence "And I can tell by your gaze. Liz has it each time we argue" He observed her appearance, the wave of worry in the creases of her forehead, the bitten lip of many concerns hidden within. 

"Really? You can tell that by a look"? Manon narrowed her eyes skeptically at him, as though on to his lies "He told you, didn't he"?

"Of course he told me" Armie sighed wistfully "He's just worried for you" He watched her as she pursed her lips together regretfully, no doubt undergoing a display of disturbances in her mind. 

"So, fights are normal, then"? Manon tipped her head towards her shoulder, in her thoughts nothing but the moment she left the apartment abruptly, leaving her faultless, and no doubt anxious partner to deal with everything on his own, an action she certainly was remorseful of.  

"If they're handled the right away, they are" Armie stated knowingly, no doubt having experienced many fights over his lifetime, ones that sure brought discomfort to his heart at the time, but have long since healed "What happened"? 

"My parents showed up on our doorstep" The rebel murmured, her confidence and wit flailing away as though she never had them in the first place "Don't know if he told you anything about it, but, we don't really have a good relationship or any relationship. It's kinda bad" She expounded shakily, making sure to spare glimpses to her surroundings as an ideal distraction. 

It wasn't often she spoke of her parents, purely because she dreaded people's reaction, their dismissive gazes, those that praised the idea of respecting the ones who gave you life, whilst she felt nothing but hatred for them, and though she knew Armie was open-minded, she still feared what he would think. 

"Basically, shit went down real fast between us, Timothée got stuck in between" She rubbed the back of her neck, yearning for comfort "It's just-ugh" Manon groaned frustratingly "He sees the good in everyone. I'm sure he thinks there's place for redemption, that they're not as bad as I say, but when I say they're bad, I mean it, he just doesn't seem to get it".

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