"Well, this is my last errand for the day, so I'm good to leave when you are for our date." He heard her gasp softly next to him.

"Our...date?" She clarified. Adrien looked at her sheepishly.

"Well, yeah. If you want it to be that is?" That wasn't quite how he had planned to ask that, but the words had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. He panicked for a moment when she turned her head away from him. The last thing he wanted was to lose her friendship because he had misread the situation. Then she turned her head back towards him and smiled, the dusting of pink that grew on her cheeks made the light freckles on her nose stand out.

"I'd like that." She said softly as the elevator doors opened. He stood back to let her exit first before following her out, fist pumping to himself as he went.

They found Sasha buried under a pile of papers and fabrics but his frustration changed to a broad smile to see the bolt of fabric and that the missing shipment was now on track.

"Marinette, I swear you have been a lucky charm to me around here. Things never get sorted this quickly and easily, don't you agree Adrien?" The model's face beamed.

"Absolutely." He said, diving into his pocket. "She's been my lucky charm for years." As he spoke, he pulled out the lucky charm bracelet Marinette had given him all those years ago when they practiced for the gaming contest. Marinette's mouth flew open.

"You still have it." She said amazed, noting that the etched pattern on the centre stone had worn down slightly. Clearly he had held it a lot and that touched her deeply.

"Of course I did, and I think it still works pretty well."

"I'm glad." She said, turning to her bag and proceeded to pull out the charm bracelet that Adrien had given her for her fourteenth birthday. "Because I think yours still works pretty well too." Adrien could feel his heart rate escalating again. She kept it, all this time, just like he had. Sasha mocked a groan.

"Ugh, you two are too cute for this late in the afternoon. Adrien, do me a favour and take this girl out on a date somewhere, she deserves it after the day we had." The two teens blushed and gave each other shy looks.

"Well...actually..." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck as Marinette giggled. Sasha looked between the two, his smile growing broader.

"Ha! I knew it. Well Miss Marinette, I have just one task left for you to do." He grabbed a small package and gave it to her.

"I don't trust those new girls in the mail room, and this package is important. Can you take it to the post office up the road and mail it for me. I'd do it myself, but I feel like I'm going to be stuck at this desk for some time yet." Marinette took the package from him. It felt light and she supposed it was a shirt or a dress. "You're both free to go after that and I'll see you at the photoshoot tomorrow."

Walking through the lobby, Adrien noticed whispers and stares at them from some of the other workers. He could see Marinette had noticed too, ducking her head slightly. What else had that lying Lila been saying? He had tried several times to get his father to get rid of her, but Gabriel insisted on keeping the liar around. Letting his inner Chat get the better of him, Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand, linking their fingers together for everyone to see. She looked up at him in surprise, but smiled when she saw the contented look on his face, his head held high. He had to admit, he loved the feel of her hand in his.

Adrien and Marientte walked the few meters up the road to where the post office was. It had been raining quite heavily through the day, but it had tapered off for now. With a strong wind blowing, they decided to chance it without an umbrella. After sending the parcel off, they were about to head over to "La Porte Verte" when Marinette suddenly turned to Adrien in a panic.

Then There Was YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant