Chapter 4: Exciting

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Joe's POV

I glance over at my clock seeing that it's nine, i've slept in. Today's Saturday, meaning that tonight I was going on a bowling date with Demi. I can't wait, she was just so amazing. I know I barley even talked to her, but feelings stir inside me every time I even think of her. Something about her just makes me feel...happy inside. She was very shy, but interesting. She's different, I like that she's original. All the girls I have met are either girly and mean or nice and boring. Demi is sweet, nice, exciting, and funny. I only want to get to know her better, explore her mind. I wish I had defended her better when Ashley had called her a loser, nothing about Demi said loser to me. Something had to be going on between the two, why would someone be so mean otherwise? I hate girls like that, who think they will bring themselves higher if they bring someone else lower. The whole concept is stupid, I don't get how people can even think that way. And then when English had ended, Ashley was all over me. It disgusted me how a girl can be so slutty, did she not have a sense on what she's doing? Love isn't only about being physical, it's about feelings and caring for each other. I just want to find someone who will love me for who I am, not my body or looks. I'm tired of the same girls, I want someone who breaks the stereotype. Will Demi accomplish these expectations of mine? I get out of my bed and walk to the bathroom, I do my business and then walk into the living room. It's still packed with boxes from the move so I have to go through a maze just to get to the kitchen, I look over and see the tv on. My little brother Frankie is sitting on the couch eating cereal and watching Spongebob. I pour my cereal and then go sit next to him, I still watch this show even though I'm seventeen. It's funny, probably the best cartoon out there. An episode later, my sixteen year old brother comes into the room with major bed head. He's smiling for some reason, usually he's grumpy after he wakes up. I wonder what's gotten into him, I get up and walk to the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink. Nick is now pouring his cereal still smiling and humming a song. 

" Why are you so happy this morning?" I ask leaning against the counter crossing my arms.  

" No reason. " he says still smiling, something was up. No guy acted like this unless something was going on, could it be what I think it is? 

" Let me guess, it's a girl. " I say grinning, it always was for him. He was always loved by the girls at our old school, many of them had big crushes on him. I always thought it was amusing, I don't really know why though.  

" How did you know? " he asks looking up surprised, it really wasn't that surprising. I've always had a gift for guessing stuff, don't know why but I've always have. And this was just easily obvious that there was a girl involved.  

" The nonstop smiling, the humming. " I say chuckling, it couldn't have been anything else than a girl.  

" Ok I admit it, stop harassing me. " he says smiling even further, he then goes and takes his bowl with him to watch cartoons with Frankie. I guess he didn't want to talk anymore about it. I start to walk back towards my room, today is gonna be long until tonight.

Nick's POV

I walk into my room after I finish my breakfast, I fall onto my bed feeling the comfort of the sheets. I'm still mesmerized from meeting Demi last night, she was so perfect. I can't wait to call her so we can go out sometime, I'm still surprised I got her number. A girl that beautiful must have a boyfriend, I don't get it. Well at least she has time for me, all I wanted to do last night while we were talking was kiss her. It was so tempting, but I held back so it wouldn't go too fast. I want to call her today, but I think that would be too soon. I don't want to look like I'm desperate, even though I am for her. I don't know how i'll fully function today with her on my mind. I get up and start to get dressed pulling on jeans and a shirt that's on the floor, then I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I walk back down the hallway, Joe's door is opened slightly. I look inside to see him already dressed and playing his guitar, his strums are very good. He starts to sing lightly, his voice barley reaching my ears.  

" One minute and the earth begins to shake 

two minutes and my heart begins to break 

Another minute and she makes me feel brand new 

That's just three minutes with you 

Four minutes and she's everything I see 

Five minutes and she's where I wanna be 

Another minute everything just feels so new 

I need six minutes with you 

Six minutes " he sings softly, not bad. I've never really heard any of his originals, this one is pretty good. I then start to walk back to my room to play my guitar, now that i've heard the beautiful sound of his instrument, I just want to play mine. She's distracting me from my playing though, I can't concentrate. I just want to see her again so bad, I think I'm falling in love.  

There's a knock on the door, so I say "Come in. " 

" Hey sweetie. " my mom says opening the door about a foot sticking her head.  

" Hey. What's up? " I ask in response, I lay my guitar down next to me in the bed. With her I know I would have to go help or do something.  

" I was wondering if you wanted to go with Joe on his walk with Winston, and you can take Elvis." 

" Yeah sure that would be cool, just give me a minute to put my shoes on. " I say walking over to my closet to grab a pair of sneakers.  

" Thanks dear. " she says smiling then leaving, I then grab my coat since it looks cold outside. I smile remembering last night, she was cold and I wanted to comfort her so much. I then walk out to the backyard to find Joe trying to put the leash on his bulldog Winston.  

" Hey. " he says smiling then standing up, Winston has a little sweater on him which makes me laugh.  

" Hey. " I say still chuckling, it looked funny on him.  

" I know, mom bought it for him. At least it's blue and not pink. " Joe says smiling, poor dog. I walk over to the gate and let out my golden retriever Elvis, he's excited so he runs out happy. When I finally catch him, I put on his leash. Joe and I then start walking the neighborhood, I start to wish I had brought another jacket since its really cold out here. I look over at Joe and become jealous of his beanie, wish I was more prepared. We defiantly don't live in Jersey anymore.  

" So I heard that song you were singing, did you just write it? " I ask breaking the silence, he grins in response making me smile. I guess there was a girl in his life too, maybe this move was a good thing for us.  

" Yeah. Do you think it's good? " he asks looking down, he's still smiling. I'm glad it's a good day for both of us.  

" Yeah I thought it was great, who's it about though? " I ask raising my eyebrows and smirking, he smiles and stops for Winston to have a moment on the grass. I stop too for Elvis and they start to sniff and do their things.  

" A girl I met yesterday, she's...defiantly made an impact on me. " he says grinning and gazing down the road, he must really like her. Maybe he felt the same way I did about Demi.  

" That's sweet, when are you going to ask her out? " I ask starting to walk again, Joe and Winston follow happily.  

" Already done, we're going out tonight. " he says letting me see his breath in the cold, I wonder how cold it is anyway.  

" Nice. " I say smiling, I can't wait till I can ask Demi out. I hope she will say yes when I do, I'd be devastated if she didn't.  

" Yeah, I can't wait. " he says stopping and picking up some snow, he then starts to form it in a ball. When he throws it, it hits a bigger rock that lay on a neighbor's yard. Nice throw.

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