Chapter 28: Packing

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Joe's POV

I walk upstairs with the two bags in my hands ready to fill them for our trip. My mother, Demi and I are leaving town for a few weeks just until the cops find these two guys. I walk into the room finding Demi on my bed going through her bag again, we had gone to her house this morning and packed her stuff. Now it's just left for me to pack and then we can head out. She looks up at me as I enter the room and gives me a weak smile. She still is blaming herself for us leaving, I wish she would just stop. I set down the empty bags and go to her, I then kiss her on the top of her head and then get to work on packing. I go to my closet and start to throw clothes in the bag not really caring what goes in. We had decided on going back to New Jersey and to just visit relatives while we stay there, I can't wait to show Demi the places where I grew up. I turn around and look at her, she's now packing her guitar in it's case. I can't help but notice how beautiful she is, in her leather jacket and old converse. She then moves hair out of her face and places it behind her ear, that's when she notices me staring at her. I grin knowing I've been caught.  

" What you looking at? " she asks curiously slightly smiling, the sparkle in her eyes at the moment make want her.  

" Nothing. " I say grinning resisting the temptation to go to her, I then start to pack again turning from her. A few seconds later I can feel her arms around my waist, I smile and turn my head around to see her grinning up at me. I turn around completely and stare into her eyes leaning in.  

" Joe are you almost-" I hear at the door, I hurry and turn to see my mother standing there awkwardly. 

" Sorry if I was interrupting something, but we have to leave soon. " she says looking at our embrace, I go back to my closet and throw a few more clothing items in.  

" Yeah almost, maybe five minutes more and I'll be ready. " I say smiling actually wanting to leave, my mother then looks at Demi and smiles.  

" And are you ready dear? " she asks like any average mother would, Demi nods and gives her a smile.  

" Good, well I'll meet you two downstairs in a few minutes. " she says before leaving, I hurry and grab a few more things and throw it in my bag. I then pack my guitar too hoping I can show some songs i've just written to Demi when we are there. Demi and I then make our way down the stairs seeing everyone else standing around waiting by the door. Demi and I set our bags down and start to say our goodbyes, when we're done I notice my mom embraced with my dad. 

" You know, I can go. You don't have to go. " He says quietly to her probably not wanting me or anyone else to hear. Was leaving for a few weeks with Demi and I going to be a hassel to her?

" I want to, don't worry. " She says giving him a smile and kissing his cheek, she then turns and sees me staring. She smiles and then starts to grab her bags, Demi and I do the same saying our last goodbyes. We then head out to our silver tundra truck and throw our stuff in the back seats, there's three seats in the front and its actually quite comfortable. Demi sits in the middle since shes the smallest and I sit next to her, my mom then starts to drive off. Demi leans her head against my shoulder and closes her eyes, I then do the same.

Demi's POV

I open my eyes and look around, its really dark except a few little lights. I then remember where I am and sit up. I read the clock on the dashboard of the truck and it says ten twenty-three, I look to my right and see Joe leaning against the car's window with his mouth wide open slightly snoring. Surprisingly, he still looks good. 

" How was your nap? " I hear Joe's mother say next to me, I turn my head to look at her and smile. She looked tired, probably for driving so long. I wonder when we would get to our hotel in Limon Colorado, I wonder where we are now. 

" It was great, do you want me to drive so you can get some sleep? " I ask thinking of how tired she looks.

" Oh its ok, we will be at our hotel in about forty five minutes anyway. " She says smiling and watching the road.

" Ok, but if you change your mind. Just ask. " I respond, I hope she can make it til then.

" Thanks. " She replies looking over at me quickly, then her eyes travel back to the road. Joe then moves next to me and shifts positions, he leans against me instead of the window making me smile. I put my arm around him trying hard not to wake him up. I start playing with his hair with my fingers unable to resist, its so soft. 

" That feels good. " He says making me jump, I stop and look down at his face seeing him grinning. How long has he been awake?

" I didin't mean to wake you. " I say continuing playing with his hair, he then sits up and smiles placing his hand on my knee while yawning.

" You didn't wake me up, don't worry. " He says squeezing my leg making me laugh slightly, it tickles really bad. He smiles and gives out a chuckle, I then grab his hand and pull it away from my leg when he starts to do it again. I then lean in and whisper in his ear still holding his hand so he won't tickle me again. 

" Stop it Joseph. " I say  jokingly, secretly wanting him to do it more. He grins and looks at me with a mischievous smile. He then pulls me into his arms and leans his head against mine holding me til we get to the hotel.

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