Chapter 25: Searching

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Joe's POV

I walk outside with Demi at my side, everyone else following behind except for my mom, shes staying to with Frankie even though he is asleep. Demi and I will be together while Kevin and Dani will be together, and my dad by himself. All of us are going to go out and see if we can find his car or better, him. Why the hell was this happening, like I mean why couldn't he just come home? If he wasn't in some kind of trouble and hes just messing around with Selena, well I'm gonna be steamed. My mom is so scared, how could he do this to her? If something bad is happening, then I'll feel bad about thinking that. I rather him be messing around with Selena though, it would mean he's safe. I don't want my little bro hurt, I love him.

" Ok, Joe and Demi. You go search the north of the town's neighborhoods. Kevin and Dani, go to main street, and I'll go to the the south. If anyone finds him, or more likely his car, call me first. Lets go find him. " My dad says giving us directions, we all nod then split and go to our cars. Demi and I drive in my car around the north neighborhoods of the town trying to see if we can see his car anywhere. He did say he was going to a party, so most likely hes around a house. I hope nothing bad happened.

" Joe, everything is going to be ok. " Demi says next to me grabbing my hand and squeezing it, trying to comfort me. I just nod not truly believing it, she does make the atmosphere better though. I don't know how, but she does. After about an hour of searching, we pull over and take a break. Where the hell is he? I set my alarm on my phone to go off in ten minutes, we then take a nap until my alarm goes off. Back to searching. We start to drive around even more going out of our boundaries that my dad had given me, we had searched the whole north side of our smaller town. Demi's ring tone starts to go off, and she quickly answers it before telling me who it is.

" Selena where are you!?" She hurries and says in the phone, I'm shocked and want to hear what she's saying.

" Ok, calm down. I'll hear the rest of the story when we get to you. Where are you? " Demi asks quickly, that doesn't sound good. I can slightly hear Selena's voice in the phone, but barley can catch what she's saying. It sounds like she's crying, please tell me nothing bad happened. Please tell me my brother is safe.

" Ok, we will be there in a minute. " Demi says hanging up looking at me with a worried look, did she know what slightly happened?

Demi's POV

I yell to go to a certain address at Joe that Selena had given me over the phone, he starts to start the car again and speeds off.

" What happened? " Joe asked quickly looking worried, there was a tear slipping from his eyes.

" Selena called and said something about two men, and Nick getting hit in the head with a bat. I coulnd't get anything else out of what she was saying because she was crying so hard." I reply noticing moisture in my eyes, it didn't sound good, trust me.

" Are they ok? " Joe asks breathing hard, his hands are red from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

" I don't know, she didn't really say...but it didn't sound good. " I say slowly on the last part, why was this happening? Joe and I drove in silence for the rest of time before we got to the address, when we got there, we hurry and get out of the car by Nick's abandoned car. The passenger door is open making our worries worse.

" Ok, we're here, but where are they? " Joe asks impatiently, all he seems to want is to find his brother, and make sure he's ok. I feel the same way.

" I don't know, let's separate and search. " I say thinking its a good idea, but then Joe looks at me as if I'm crazy.

" You think i'm going to let you go look by yourself? I don't want you hurt either. " He says grabbing my hand, I just nod. I guess I'm still not used to someone actually caring about me. We start to walk around the neighborhood silently calling out their names. When we go around a house, we finally hear something over a fence to the house's backyard.

" Selena? " I ask quietly hoping that its her, Joe then lifts me by the waist slightly so I can barley see over the fence. That's when I can see her slightly sitting on the ground holding her leg, Nick is right next to her laying not looking awake. Luckily he is breathing, Joe then puts me down softly. There's a lot of snow on the ground, about knee deep. Selena and Nick must be freezing.

" Are they there? " Joe asks and I just nod in response. Now how were we going to do this?

" Here, you're going to have to help me over. I think Selena's hurt. When I'm over, I'll open the gate for you. " I say thinking this was the only way to do it. Joe nods and puts his hands together, at least there will be a soft landing in the snow if I fall. I then put one foot on his hand, and he pushes me up. I grasp on the edge of the fence and try to put my leg over, I eventually do it after a few tries. I then leap over and land in the snow roughly, it instantly goes up my shirt and other unnecessary places making me shiver.

" Demi, thank god you're here. " Selena says behind me, I turn around quickly and try to get out of the freezing snow.

" Are you guys ok? " I ask seeing that her leg does not look right, I think she broke it. It doesn't look good.

" Not really, Nick hasn't waken up yet, but hes breathing. And I think I broke my leg. " She says while panting, I go over to her and take off my jacket and put it on her. Why isn't she wearing a jacket in this weather?

" Demi, I can't take this. " She says after I place the jacket on her. I just shake my head no not letting her give it to me. I then search for the gate and finally see it near by, I then attempt to run to it. It takes me a while though since of the deep snow. I open it having to dig out snow around it, it only opens a little since I couldn't clear out a lot. Joe squeezes through the tight space eventually, we then make our way back to Selena and Nick.

" Are you guys ok? " Joe asks panicking looking at them, Selena just shakes her head no looking like she's in a lot of pain.

" Call your dad Joe, and I'll call 911. " I say getting out my phone that luckily wasn't damaged while jumping over the fence. He pulls out his and we both call, the operator says they will be here soon. Joe's dad says they are on their way too, Joe and I sit next to them waiting wishing they were here already.

" Here take this. " Joe says to me taking off his jacket and holding it up for me to put it on, I just shake my head no not wanting him to be cold.

" Come on Demi, i'll be fine. " He says still holding up the jacket, I give in and put my arms in the arms holes.

" Thanks. " I say silently grabbing his hand which is ice cold, I wish they would get here soon. After waiting a little while longer, the paramedics finally show up with an ambulance. Joe's dad, Kevin, and Dani show up a minute later. The ambulance drives off with Joe's dad in it with Selena and Nick. The rest of us follow behind, we had called Joe's mother and told her what happened. She gets Frankie up and tells us she's coming. When we get to the hospital, I call Selena's parents with her phone who are frantically already freaking out since she wasn't home yet. They tell me they are on their way, only family members are aloud to go in and see them so I have to stay out in the waiting room. Joe insists that he stays with me, but I tell him to go and luckily he gives in. They don't want Frankie to hear what's going on, so they keep him with me out in the waiting room. We worry together wishing one of them would come back out and tell us whats going on.

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