Chapter 11~ The untold story of Arlene part 1

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Arlene's POV

~~ I awoke on a soft bed with a headache. An old woman and my sister standing over me.

"Arlene! You're awake!" Carson said. I blinked and squinted.

"Carson? W- where am I?" I whispered.

"That guy," she started, "that guy that was in our bathroom. He brought us here, to this, this castle! He brought us to a... a vampire, Arlene. He brought us to a vampire." she whispered back. I seen it then, a small bite on her neck. Two small, slightly scabbed over wounds. There was a small black cross covering them. I gasped.

"Is he..?" I asked, fearing the worst. She shook her head.

"No. He said that this wouldn't turn me." I sighed in relief. I sat up and a wave of dizziness washed over me. The woman looked concerned.

"Are you feeling alright, dear?" she asked. I nodded.

"Who are you?" I said. She smiled at me.

"My name's Yolanda. I'm a doctor." she said. I smiled back at her. Then looked back to Carson.

"Does it hurt? What happened?" I asked, suddenly feeling protective. She sighed.

"Yes, it stings a little... but you really shouldn't worry about me. You had a concussion." I shook my head.

"I'm fine, now what happened?" I pushed. She sighed again.

"That guy took us into, like a throne room. You were still unconscious so he set you down and uh, 'presented' me to the vampire. He kept calling me 'my love' and asking me things. Then he bit me.." I grimaced as she said that. "Then he brought us in here. That all happened yesterday." she finished. I processed all the information.

How did this happen? We... we're being held captive by a vampire! A vampire! I knew then, my fate was set. I was going to die.

They left me so I could rest. Sleep never came. I couldn't get over the fact that I was in a vampire's castle. Feeling restless, I stood up. After letting the dizziness fade, I wandered around the large room. I stopped under a window. I stood there, soaking in the beautiful sunlight.

"Ah, if there's anything I love more than my sister, its sunshine." I said to myself. The rays of light warmed my skin. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace.

"I see you have awaken." I jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. A tall man stood in front of me. I hadn't heard him enter. He had on a white, collared shirt, black jeans, and heavy looking boots. His hair was silvery-white and his eyes, bright purple. He was pale.

"Y- you're a- a. Y- you..." I was terrified. I started to tremble as I took a step back. He took a step forward.

"Do not be frightened, Arlene, I do not wish to harm you in any way. I only wanted to see if you were feeling better." he said, his voice calm and compelling. He took another step toward me and I froze, still as stone. He kept coming closer.

"I- I- I," I stuttered, "p- please... don't.."

"It's alright. I know what I am may frighten you, but please, do not be afraid." he said. He reached out and stroked my cheek. I gasped at the feel of his icy fingers.

"I- I... I want to go home..." I whispered. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"You are home, Arlene." he told me.

"No...this is not home.. What's your name?" I asked, still terrified.

"My name is Damion. I'm a master vampire and this is your home now." I flinched at the word 'vampire' and gaped at him when he said I wasn't leaving. I received another sympathetic look. He then leaned down and kissed my cheek.

Before I knew it, his teeth had pierced my neck. I cried out at the sharp pain and he pulled back. I covered the wound with my hand, tears spilling down my cheeks as the fiery pain bloomed brighter.

"Y- you said you wouldn't hurt me!" I cried.

"I apologize, I've let my instincts get the better of me. I hope you can forgive me." he said. I stood there, in complete shock. My neck felt like it was being cut by a thousand fiery needles.

"Where's Carson? Where's my sister?" I asked.

"I'll go get her." he said. I received yet another sympathetic look and he left. I sank to my knees. I sat there, hand over my neck, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Carson burst through the door and rushed over to me. She looked worried and scared. She was frantic.

"Are you okay? What happened?!" she asked, almost shouting.

"Carson," I said, wiping my tears with one hand, "I'm fine, just calm down." she didn't seem convinced.

"Why are you covering your neck like that?" she pulled my hand away and gasped. I sighed and nodded. Then I looked up with a determined expression.

"I'm gonna get us out of here. No matter what." I stood up. I could feel my warm blood trickle down my neck. The woman -Yolanda I think- came in.

"Would you like something to cover that up with, dear?" she asked. I nodded. She retrieved a small bandage and carefully placed it over the bite.

"It burns.." I whispered.

"I know it does." she said. I gave her a confused look. She swept her shoulder length hair to the side. She had the same, small black cross on her tanned skin. It was surrounded by intricate, swirl designs.

"Oh." was all I managed to say. She gave me a warm smile.

"It's just his mark. With this cross, and a design to fit your personality if you were a vampire, you are his property." she paused, then continued, "He bites all who work for him, besides the demons because it won't show, and all who are brought to him. Like you girls. But... you are not the first." she sighed. I was taken aback.

Not the first? Does she mean... more people have been brought here? Well... what happened to them? Are they still here? How long have they been here? Who are they? Question after question flew through my head as I stood there, jaw dropped.

"Poor girls," Yolanda whispered, "taken away from their families... just to die.." I gasped.

"Th- they were killed? So you're saying.." I was horrified. I could hardly breathe.

H- he said he wouldn't hurt us! N- now I- I... No! I can't let Carson get hurt! I don't care what happens to me! I clenched my fists.

"Carson, we are not going to die. We're leaving. Today!" I said through gritted teeth. She nodded, pale from fear. Yolanda placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I will help you. I've had to watch innocent girls die for fifteen years. It has to stop." she said. I began to feel hope. I smiled up at her.

"Thanks you, Yolanda. You have touched my heart. I won't ever forget you." Tears welled up in my eyes. She was the angel who was going to save my life. And, more importantly, my sister's. I had never felt so hopeful.~~

I woke up with tears. I tried to wipe my cheeks, but my arms were chained behind me and attached to a wall. My vision was blurry so I shook my head and tugged on the chains.

"Mom!" I looked up at Emily's voice. Her ankle was chained to a wall as well, but she had room to walk. She looked concerned, terrified, and in pain all at once. I noticed the girl behind her. My eyes widened as I gasped.

"Oh... Oh no."


And chapter 11! Now im not as behind anymore! Yay! Hahahahahahah enjoy! Oh, reminder: ~~= flashback ~= dream




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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