Chapter 7~ Demon Trouble

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Seth's POV

I pinned Purple Eyes onto the wall for the tenth time. He snarled and struggled, but couldn't break free. He started to hiss, then stopped and peered over my shoulder. His expression went from anger to fear. Then I felt it.

"Oh, no, Emily!" I whispered, turning around. "The demon! He took Em! Why hadn't I noticed sooner?!" I screamed at myself. I bolted to the open window.

They couldn't have gotten far.... It's only been a few minutes. Still, she could be hurt! That low-life is going to pay! I crawled out the window and took off into the dark wood. The other vampire was close behind.

"I should have known Derrick would try something like this." Purple Eyes muttered. I growled and ran faster, picking up Emily's scent.

"This way!" I turned right then stopped. There was a trail of blood on the dead leaves in front of me. I leaned and smelled it. I jumped up and hissed, then ran faster through the trees. It was Emily's.

I twisted and turned through the woods, continually swearing under my breath. As I got closer to them, I began to feel the demon's presence. As well as Emily's, but it was fading. Fast.

I made it to a clearing. There was a lone tree in the center. The demon turned around and smiled. There was knife in his hand. He stepped to the side, revealing Emily, tied to the tree.

"Seth!" she screamed. She had a deep cut along her shoulder and another on her leg. Her gown was ripped in several places, and her arms were bruised. I ran to her, pushing the demon out of my way.

"Em, I'm so sorry!" I told her, trying to untie her wrists. The demon got up and laughed.

"Derrick pl-" she was cut off. He plunged the knife into her chest before I could get in front of her. She cried out. He laughed again.

"Time to go, little girl." he snarled. There was a roar, then Purple Eyes attacked him.

"You'll pay for that!" he growled. "How dare you harm my Emily!" I tuned out they're fight. Emily was coughing. I worked at the rope.

"It's okay, Em, you're going to be okay." I whispered soothingly. I got her free and picked her up. She whimpered softly. "Hey Purple Eyes! Kill him already, Emily needs help!" I shouted. Walking away, I listened to him finish the demon off. Emily weakly clutched at my shirt.

"Seth," she choked out, "I..I love you." Her grip relaxed, she closed her eyes, and went limp in my arms. Her tears stopped.

"No no no! Em stay with me. You're going to be okay." She was hardly breathing. Tears welled up in my eyes. "You'll be okay." I kept repeating, more to myself than to her. I let the tears fall.

Enraged, I clutched her to my chest and ran through the trees. Purple Eyes was close behind.


Derrick's POV

**a few hours later **

I coughed and tried to stand up. My injuries were to severe. I coughed again and blood came out onto my hand.

"Damion," I growled, "you failed you sonofabitch." Well...maybe not for long. Shit, if I stay out here like this, I will die. Damnit.

I tried to push myself up again to no avail. I hit the ground with my fist. Realizing I was wasting my energy, I calmed down. I dragged myself over to a tree and sat myself up against it.

"Damn vampires. At least I got to kill the girl." I muttered to myself. Warm blood seeped through my clothes all over my body. I winced.

Fuck. If I don't get help now, I'm going to bleed to death. I hissed at the sting in my neck. At least I can't become a vampire....much less Damion's student. There was a rustle of leaves and I immediately went alert.

A tall, muscular man stepped out of the trees on the opposite side of the clearing. His hair was shoulder length and hung in his face. His jeans were torn. He saw me and came closer.

"Brother, what happened here?" he asked.

"A vampire happened." I muttered.

"Ah I see. Tell me, who was this vampire?" he asked, interested.

"My master, Damion." I said his name and the strange man smiled. He laughed.

There's something weird about this guy....I can sense it. He's not mortal...

He leaned in loser to me, throwing me out of my thoughts.

"If you promise to aid me," he started, "I shall heal you. Do we have a deal?" I winced at the sting in my neck again. Then I realized it was my only chance.

"Yes. I'm a first class demon. My name is Derrick."

"Jamie. Can you walk?" he replied. I shook my head and he nodded. He smiled again, then helped me up. He put his arm around me and I slung my arm over his shoulders. With his laughter, we walked into the wood.


OMG its chapter 7!! Ooooh getting good isn't it? Haha. Now yu guys have to wait to see what really happens with Emily. In my opinion, this is the best chapter so far. Well hope yu enjoy. kinda short >-<




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