Chapter 9~ Yolanda

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Emily's POV

"It's alright, Emily. You're alive, you can open your eyes." I heard a soothing voice say. Then I felt it. A horrible, throbbing pain, from my arm, chest, and leg. It felt the worst in my chest. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked the strange woman watching me.

"My name is Yolanda, I'm a doctor." she said. She was short. Her hair was gray, frizzed, and cropped at her chin. She looked to be in her sixties. She smiled at me.

"H- how am I alive? I-I...he killed me.. The last thing I remember was being in Seth's arms.." I whispered. She nodded.

"Your friend carried you here, to me. He stayed by your side each night you slept. He thought he'd lost you." she told me.

"Wait, each night? How long have I been 'asleep'?" I asked.

"About ten days, dear." I gaped at her. Then I realized where I was.

"A-am I a vampire?" I asked my voice shaking.

"No. If Damion had decided to turn you, your wounds would have healed." I sighed in relief. I looked around. I wasn't in the dungeon. I was in a huge bed. A light, red blanket covered me up to my waist. Sunlight spilled into the room the room from a medium-sized window to my left. The room was bare except for some equipment beside Yolanda, and the bed. I was hooked up to the equipment.

"Where's Seth? I...need to see him." I whispered. I tried to sit up, wincing at the sharp pain.

"Rest now, dear, and I'll let you go outside once it cools down a bit, okay? You rest, I'll go get Seth." she said reassuringly. After giving me a genuine smile, she walked out of the room. I sighed.

Oh God! I'm alive! I'm...still here... I lifted up my hand. I-I'm...okay... Seth! I need to see him! He thought I was gone forever... Ignoring what Yolanda told me, I sat up.

"Come on, Emily, you can do it! Just stand up!" I told myself. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed. The ball of my right foot touched the tile floor.

"Cold, cold, cold!" I said to no one in particular. I lowered my left foot. I hissed at the sting in my leg. I noticed then, the heavy bandages around my leg and chest. I sat like that, examining myself.

The gauze around my chest was heavy and thick. It wrapped around me several times. Another piece of it wrapped up and over my shoulder. There was a small bandage around the wound on my arm. I was wearing a light, halfway see-through, blue gown that stopped at my mid-thigh. I took a deep breath.

"Alright, the moment of truth. Just stand." I urged myself. I took another deep breath. I gripped the edge of the bed, tightly. Then, slowly pushed myself up and stood on my shaking feet. I grinned at myself and took a step forward. I shook and swayed, but stayed upright.

"Yes! I'm awesome!" I shouted. Then I tripped and hit my arm on the doctor's equipment. "Ow." I mumbled.

After regaining my balance, I carefully walked around to the other side of the bed. I looked up at the creek of the door. Seth and I locked eyes. I could see that his hair was fully black and his skin completely pale. I started to cry, my eyes still trained on his. He rushed over and gathered me in his arms.

"Em, you're okay! I...thought it was too late.." he whispered, his own tears streaming down his cheeks. He held me tighter. I blocked out the pain in my chest, because I didn't want him to let me go. Ever.

"I was gone for so long...I'm sorry.." I whispered back.

"No, don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault." he said, stroking my hair. We held each other, silently, until Yolanda stepped in. She hurried over to us after the door closed.

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