Chapter 3~ Kidnapped

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Emily's POV

I woke up to bright sunlight in my face, and someone gently shaking my shoulder. Thinking it was Seth, I moaned and rolled over. I heard an irritated growl and was thrown off the couch.

"Damn Seth, you don't have to get vi-'' I had gotten up and realised it wasn't Seth. I gaped at the strange man next to me. He was tall, and looked strong. He had black hair that was emo looking. His eyes, oh god, those eyes.....

I snapped back to reality and backed up. "T-take what y-you want, I won't call the c-cops.'' I stammered. My back hit the wall behind me. He stepped closer.

"If you say so." he chuckled. Before I could even blink, he was right in front of me. His face was inches from mine. He had crossed the whole living room without even taking two steps.

"H-how did you do that?" I asked. He was smiling at me. Then he chuckled.

"Do what?" he asked, amused. I shook my head and looked into his eyes. Those eyes.....I was mesmerized by the way they swirled and shifted. I felt like I was being pulled in. He laughed and that knocked me out of my trance. I hadn't realised I had been breathing hard. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Take what you want and get out." I said angrilly. With lightning speed, he picked me up and brought me back to the couch. I gave him a confused look. "What the hell do you want?"

"You're coming with me, Emily." he said casually. He walked over to a bag on the ground and pulled out a long piece of wire.

"Who said anything about me going with you?!" I asked, outraged. I jumped off the couch and ran to the front door. I flung it open and ran down the street as fast as I could. I rounded a corner and ran right into him. I screamed and turned around. I started running again. I ran to the coffee shop and went inside. I looked around uneasily and ordered a cup of coffee. When the clerk handed me my cup, I to a table and sat down. I drank slowly, watching the door.

I finished my coffee and thanked the clerk. I walked outside and looked around. Nothing. Where'd he go?

I walked toward my house, getting more frightened with each step. I walked up the steps and heard Akira barking behind the door. I cautiously opened it. Akira jumped on me as I walked in the door. I sighed in relief and pet her head.

"Hey Akira, did you happen to see a strange man in here?" I asked, smiling at her. She licked my hand and wagged her tail happily. I walked into the kitchen and gave Akira a treat. She yelped and walked into the living room. I opened the fridge and took out a yogurt. I found a spoon and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and gestured for Akira to sit with me. She jumped up and I turned on the T.V.

After watching a movie I checked the time, and went upstairs to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I went into my room to get a towel.

I opened my closet and was slammed onto the floor. What the hell? I groaned and got up. I was thrown onto the floor again. I looked up and saw the man from earlier. I screamed and threw a shoe I had found on the floor at him. He caught it and tossed it into the closet. I started to crawl away. He grabbed my leg and pulled me back. I screamed and kicked him. It didn't affect him. He grabbed my arms and swiftly tied the wire around my wrists.

"No! Leave me alone!" I cried. He took another piece of wire and wrapped it around my upper arms and behind my back. I couldn't move my arms. I kicked him again. He wrapped another wire around my ankles. "What do you want with me?!!" I cried. He picked me up and sat me on my bed. Damn, what's with this guy? Maybe I can get to the wire cutters my mom left in here.....

"You're making to much noise, quiet down or I'll do it for you." he hissed. I screamed again. He growled and put his hand over my mouth. "I said quiet." Tears started running down my cheeks. He took his hand off my mouth and went to the bag he had. I scooted futher on the bed, closer to my dresser. Almost there.....

He came back and pulled me back by my leg. I felt smug, but didn't show it. Instead I plastered a look of pure fear onto my face. He tied a cloth over my mouth. I struggled against the wire. I made muffled sounds of outrage, and fear. Then I heard Akira come up the stairs. She saw him and started growling. It's my only chance! I slowly clipped one piece of wire at a time. Being careful not to attract to much attention to myself.

Akira jumped at him and bit his arm. That's my girl, I thought. The man growled and threw Akira into a wall. She hit it with a loud thud and slid to the floor. She was whining. I gasped behind the gag and jumped at him. He caught me. More tears spilled down my cheeks. Damnit! I lost the wire cutters.

"Let's go." he said. He picked me up and carried me downstairs, bridal style. He went to an open window and set me on the grass outside. He threw his bag out, then slid out himself. He pulled it over his shoulder and picked me up again. He walked into the forest behind my house. I made sounds of fear. He chuckled and started running. The trees became a blur around us. I closed my eyes starting to get sick.

"No, Emily, don't close your eyes." he chuckled.


Anybody worried for Emily? You should be haha.




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