Chapter 5~ The Nightmare

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Emily's POV

~I ran through corridor after corridor, trying to get away from the monster behind me. He ran silently, but I knew he was behind me, and gaining.

He's a vampire you idiot! You can't outrun vampires! Oh, I was trying. Damn superhuman speed of his. It was a wonder he hadn't caught me yet.

I continued running. Turn after turn I got more and more tired. I slowed slightly and turned left. Big mistake. It was a dead end.

I turned around and froze. He was right in front of me. I gasped and slowly backed up. My back hit the wall behind me. Damion stepped closer. I pressed myself against the wall and looked at the floor.

"Now, Emily, you didn't think you could get away from me did you?" he said, voice fierce. He placed his fingers under my chin and pulled my head up so I looked at him. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Damion smiled at me. My heart pounded in my chest.

He leaned down, his nose just an inch from mine. My hands began to tremble. He brought his lips to my cheek in a small kiss. He pulled away. He gently pushed my hair away from my neck and onto my other shoulder. He leaned down and placed his lips onto my throat.

"Damion..." I choked out, not able to finish. Silent tears spilled down my cheeks.

I felt a sharp pain and cried out. Damion pulled away, smiling. I felt my blood trickle down my neck. My eyes went wide at Damion's expression.

H-he didn't drink... He didn't drain the life from me.. I-I-

I looked down. My neck felt like it was on fire. I put my palm over the bite. The pain was like a million needles cutting and scraping my skin. I looked back up for Damion, but he was gone. I was surrounded by mirrors.

I stared at my reflection. I pulled my hand away from my neck. The wound was closed. I saw a small silver cross on the two round scars. I looked at my skin. It was a chalky white. I turned my gaze to my hair. From the roots down, my hair slowly turned a metallic silver. I stared at my eyes. They slowly turned a bright red. My jaw dropped. My teeth were perfectly straight and white. Among them were two, elongated canines. Then my reflection disappeared.~

I woke up screaming and dripping sweat. I clawed at my hair, making sure it was still black. I stared at my perfectly tanned arms. I felt my teeth. I was still me.

When I realized it was all a dream, I stopped screaming. I took a few long, deep breaths. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and sat up.

Oh God, that dream... It was so real. H-he turned me..

I pulled away from my thoughts. I looked around. I was sitting on a small cot. A thin blanket was draped over my legs. I was wearing a silky night gown with spaghetti straps.

I felt a burning sensation in my wrist. I turned my wrist and saw where I had been bitten. The wound was barely scabbed over. There was dry blood around it. I looked closer and saw a small, silver cross over the two holes. Around the cross were small, thorn-like markings. I noticed there was a thin silver marking wrapped all the way up my arm. Both sides ended in a sharp-looking point.

I let my arm drop back to my side and looked around me. I was in a huge room- no scratch that- a dungeon. My cot was in a corner of the dungeon. It was next to a window. Sunlight shined in, promising warmth.

I crawled off the cot and headed toward the window. I was halfway to the sunlight when I noticed a shadowed figure in another corner of the room. I let my curiosity take over and crawled toward it.

I got closer and saw subtle details. The figure looked like a boy around my age. He was wearing white sneakers. He had a dark green shirt, and ripped jeans. He had his head bowed. His sandy blonde hair covering his fa-

"Seth?!'' I whispered. I didn't get an answer. I crawled closer and sat next to him. I gently lifted his head. He was unconscious. I placed his head against the wall so I could see his face.

He had multiple cuts and a black eye. His arms were chained behind him. His hair was tinged red. I looked closer. The roots of his hair were black. My blood ran cold. I looked at his neck. There was dried blood leading up to a small black cross. I gasped, a few tears escaping my eyes.

"Oh, Seth, this is all my fault." I whispered. I leaned my head against his shoulder and cried.

How could this happen? Why me? What does Damion want? Why does he keep hurting me? What's going to happen to Seth? How will I get out of here? I want to go home....

What felt like years later, I heard a door open. I tensed. Quiet footsteps echoed around me. I slid in front of Seth protectively. The shadowed corner hid me slightly, but I hoped it was enough. The footsteps stopped.

As if I wasn't shocked enough, the person standing in front of me was the man who brought me here. What was his name? D- something... David? Daniel? No.. Don? Deven? No.. De- Der- Derrick! That's it, his name, Derrick. He looked furious.

I stood up cautiously and stepped out of the shadow. He gave me the coldest glare I had ever seen. He stepped closer, my heart pounded in my chest. His face was just inches from mine. He broke the silence, his voice cold.

"I'm going to kill you."

"I- what?" was all I managed to choke out.

"It's always the same with the girls I bring Damion," he started, "he thinks they're perfect. After a few days he realizes he was wrong, so he kills them. You," he gave me another glare, "you are different. He never cared that I had the other girls tied up, but this time? With you? He was pissed. And now, so am I."

I stood there stupidly, not knowing how to respond. His words swirled in my head. Why does he want to kill me? What did I do to him? And what he said about Damion, is it true? Would that happen to me? What about the "girls" part, how many came before me? How many ha-

I was thrown against the wall on my right. My head hit the wall with a loud thud and stars clouded my vision. I turned toward Derrick and winced slightly. My head throbbed and the room spun. With swift movements, Derrick was in front on me, reaching for my throat. I ducked under his arm, took a few steps and stumbled, then fell.

I was yanked up by my hair and pushed against another wall. I felt his fingers close around my neck. This is it.. I'm going to die. I wish I could tell my mom goodbye...

His hands tightened around my throat. I gripped his wrists, trying to pry his hands off. He smiled evilly. Black clouded the sides of my vision. I struggled under his grip.

"Goodbye Emily." he said happily. My grip lessened, my body slowly going limp. I'm sorry Seth...I wish I could've helped you..

Seconds before I blacked out, I seen a flash of dark green. I felt the grip on my throat release. I slid to the floor as my vision faded to black.


Is it getting good? I hope so! Till next time. ^^




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