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Day 8.

Unbrushed hair, sweat pants, smudged mascara, unshaved legs, unshaven armpits, and unbrushed teeth. That was all that could be described of Emma. She was doing her best to be as unappealing as possible to Tony. The only thing she couldn't stand to do was stop showering. There was no way in hell she was going to go out smelling disgusting, she couldn't handle that.

Tony took notice but made no comment as to not upset the girl--since, recently, she'd been crying over every little thing. "I made this really cool--" Tony began.

"Don't want to know, nor do I care." She sighed, exaggeratedly.

"Okay..," Tony bit his bottom lip, pensively, "want to go eat something? How about that Chinese food again."

"Again? I thought you were a billionaire? And you want to eat that cheap-ass food? I'm not even in the mood to go out, anymore." She propped her legs up on the couch and began flipping through the television channels.

"Not cool, how-to-hallie." Tony clenched his jaw, noticeably offended.

She looked over at him, seemingly unbothered, and rolled her eyes. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." He spat, then stomped all the way back down. That's it, one more strike and you're out. Tony grumbled to himself. He decided if she pissed him off one more time, he'd only survive her through the gala, then he'd never see her again. But, he was giving her a chance to redeem herself.

Emma knew she was crossing the line, but that was the whole point. To cross the line and get him to boot her. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but to feel bad and to feel like she was going to lose him.

* * *

Emma crept down into Tony's work area. He was working intently on some new designs for a new suit. She cautiously knocked on the doorframe to alert him of her presence. He snapped his head over at her. She leaned against the frame and smiled small at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude." She apologized.

Tony felt a weight of relief rise from his chest--and it wasn't the shrapnel leaving his sternum. For a split second, he felt like Emma was back. The Emma he first met. The calm, smart, interesting Emma. He gestured for her to come near and she obliged. She stood beside him and peered at his designs. It was a female iron man suit, resembling one much like his. "I've just been messing around with the idea." He told her.

Emma leaned herself against him and placed her head on his shoulder. He intertwined her fingers with his. Ruin the moment, Emma. He can't have another moment to cling to. Emma told herself. She hated herself that she had to do it, but it was what needed to be done. "I'm in love with you, Tony." She spoke. She was taking a page from her friend, Andy's, book. And saying I love you way too early.

Tony didn't know what to say. It was too early. He liked her, he could admit that. But, love? The silence that followed was unbearably awkward. But, Emma relished in it before she left the room, leaving Tony to question why he was letting her stick around for any longer. Oh, yeah... the gala. He thought to himself.

* * *

Emma couldn't believe she had said that to him. It was so unlike her. She nearly gagged right after. It was just such a... Andy thing to do. It was clingy.. and annoying.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ▹ Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now