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Day 9.

Finally, it was the day to finally get Tony to kick her ass out of his life. Emma was dressed in her beautiful icy blue gown when she descended the steps at the front of her apartment building. Tony's breath caught in his throat when he saw how beautiful she looked in the dress and subtle makeup. The blue complimented her blue eyes, and her blonde hair fell gracefully in waves down her back. Emma smiled small at him as he opened the door to the car for her. "You look beautiful."

Her eyes flickered down to her shoes, shyly. "Thank you, Tony." She chuckled lightly right before she took a seat in the car.

Tony hurried into the car, not wanting to spend another second not gawking at her. She was unimaginably beautiful. It was unfair. No other girl, physically, stood a chance standing next to her. She had an elegant poise that he had never seen in any other woman before. For an instant, he had forgotten why she had been so obnoxious to him those past days.

* * *

The ride to the gala was quick. And upon entering the ballroom, Emma was blown away. Never had she attended such an event before. The ballroom was decorated elegantly with exotic flowers Emma had never even heard of before. All the women were dressed so beautifully, Emma couldn't help but stare. Thank God Happy didn't let me get the polka dot dress. She thought to herself. She would have stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the crystal glasses and finery.

I'm so sorry for what I am about to do to you, Tony Stark. She thought to herself as she entered the ballroom with her arm wrapped around Tony's. She stole one last glance at Tony, afraid it would be the last time she'd ever see him. She shot him a toothless smile, nearly snickering when she realized he had placed his signature sunglasses over his eyes before they entered. He was truly a figure.

"What?" Tony smiled down at her.

"Just taking one last look at you." As she spoke this, Tony felt his heart flutter.

Tony led her over to some of his friends and made some small talk with them as Emma stood, awkwardly beside him. It's go time. Emma waved over the young lady carrying a platter of champagne. Gladly, the girl came to serve her. Emma reached for two glasses, and Tony turned, thinking one was for him, then she downed both of them and placed the glasses back on the platter--very unmannerly. She turned to look at Tony and his friends, who all stared wide-eyed and surprised at her. On top of that, she let out one disgusting burp. "Whew! I didn't know I had that in me!" She chuckled.

Emma turned away from the group and cringed at herself. From afar, she spotted Victoria--her boss--watching suspiciously. Emma pressed her lips into a thin line, then turned back around to Tony and his friends with a smile replaced on her face. "Uh oh!" Her smiled dropped.

"Are you okay?" Tony whispered over to her.

She smiled wryly at him and reached into her purse, pulling out a tampon, causing the men around her to gasp quietly. "I think it's that time of the month!" She exclaimed, then scurried off to the restroom.

Tony felt his cheek turn red as his friends began teasing him. "She's hot, but... come on man, you can do better." One of his friends cackled at him.

"Excuse me." Tony nodded curtly at them as the entire group laughed and cracked jokes about the woman that had just embarrassed him in front of his rich friends.

Tony made his way to the ladies' room and knocked on the door. "Emma? I need to talk to you." He announced.

Emma cracked open the door and poked her head out. "Yes?"

"What the hell was that?"

Emma looked at him inquisitively, waiting for him to elaborate. Just say it. Just tell me to leave. She thought to herself. "I can't do this anymore. You were amazing when I first met you. I don't know what happened, but, apparently, it's not changing. I should've known not to invite you to this gala." Tony spat at her.


"Okay?" He was taken aback by her reply.

She nodded. "Okay... I'll have Happy take you back home then..." He furrowed his brows at her, confusedly.

"Great." She finally could drop the act and be herself once again. She exited the restroom and brushed right past him. He watched as she walked toward the exit. But, she was suddenly stopped by an older woman--a brunette. Through the loud noise of people chattering, he could hear the brunette's cunning voice. "Congratulations, Ms. Roberson. You actually managed to lose a guy within ten days." Victoria smiled, somewhat proudly, at Emma.

Emma couldn't help but feel like she lost more than she had won. "Have the piece done by Monday, then I'll call up my friend in New York for you. You should be at your new job at the end of the month. Now, you can start writing about the real-life.. as you've always wanted." Victoria shook Emma's hand. Emma looked back at Tony, who stared with his jaw dropped. I was played. She did all of this just to lose me. He realized.

Emma turned away and headed back to Happy's car to get a ride back to her place. "It's a little early." Happy mentioned.

"Me and Tony are over. You won't have to see any more of me." Emma informed him, quieting Happy. The short ride back was completely silent, leaving Emma to soak in her own thoughts.

* * *

Day 10.

Emma tried calling Tony over and over again. But, he wouldn't pick up. She had truly hurt him. She just wanted to apologize. She had used him. Stepped all over him just to get what she wanted.

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