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Day 3.

Maybe it was too soon to start cutting him off. But, she didn't want to drag out this time with him any longer. She needed to get this done before the ten days were up. When she awoke, she found herself in Tony's bed, once again. But, this time, he was kind enough to take another room. The night was a blur after they kissed, but, she couldn't deny how sweet his hands felt touching her cheeks.

Tiptoeing, she found Tony in one of the various guest bedrooms in his house, sleeping soundly. She began to think of her friend--Andy--and how she managed to get rid of her boyfriends so quickly. She was obnoxious. Emma thought to herself, sniffing. She would call her boyfriends various times while they were at work, say I love you way too soon, and cry over the smallest things in front of them. Why not amp it up a bit? Emma smirked, deviously as she watched Tony innocently sleep from afar.

She charged at the bed and jumped on top of Tony, giggling wildly. He woke up, startled and gasping for air. She peppered him with sloppy kisses. "Good morning, sweetie pie." She pinched his cheeks and squinted her eyes.

Tony eyed her curiously, wondering why she was acting so different all of a sudden. Emma pulled her head back away from him and dropped her sweet visage into a sad one. "Aren't you going to say it back?" She tilted her head, her bottom lip puckering out.

"Good morning?" Tony replied, standoffish.

Her lip began to quiver and her eyes began to water. Damn, I'm good. She complimented herself. "That doesnt count, I made you say it." She began to sniffle.

"Hey, hey, no. I mean it." He tried to stop her from crying.

She dropped the sad act and smiled once again. "Okay, I'm gonna get going now. Call me later?"

"Yeah, yeah..." He knitted his brows at her and watched as she left the room. He was very confused, but, he assumed it was all just a mood swing she was having.

* * *

Day 6.

Day after day, minute after minute, Emma made sure to call Tony as many times as she could. Not that she wanted to, but, she needed to annoy the hell out of him to get him to stop associating with her. It would probably be bad for her reputation there in Los Angeles if a billionaire went around telling everyone how annoying she was, but, who cared if it meant getting her dream job. Plus, she'd be moving to New York, anyway, so what were the chances of that talk reaching the big apple? The calls were incessant. Also, they were very pointless. She'd call to simply ask what he was doing or what his favorite color was--any sort of conversation that would waste his time.

Tony tried his best to overlook those flaws in those two days that passed. When he first had met her, things had been so good. He really liked her. She was interesting, smart AND hot. She was the perfect girl. There was a gala that was coming up in a few days that he needed a date to. And after their second outing together, he had decided he wanted to ask her to go with him. To provide him an interesting company, aside from the boring groupies and socialites.

Although Emma had become... difficult that past couple of days, he still wanted to ask her to go with him. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!" Emma shrieked over the phone once Tony asked. This will be the nail in the coffin. Emma thought to herself. Everything was falling into place accordingly.

The only thing that wasn't working out in her favor was that she felt bad. Tony hadn't been the arrogant asshole she thought he would have been. And, even worse, she was starting to really like him. But, she had to put those feelings aside if she wanted to achieve what she wanted most--her career.

"Great, it's settled then. I know it's on short notice, but, I'm sure I can have Happy take you to get a dress soon." Tony told over the phone.

"Sounds good, Stark."

* * *

Just as promised, Happy picked Emma up and took her to the nearest mall to shop for a gown for the gala. As Emma was searching for the most hideous dress she could find, Happy was trying to figure her out. When he had first seen her with Tony, after the Chinese restaurant, he seemed so... happy. It had been the first time in a long time that Happy had seen Tony that radiant. But, now, Emma seem to be draining him. "Why don't you look for something a little bit more... I don't know... pretty? It's not like you have much of a budget here." Happy suggested as she pulled out a polka dot dress with varying colors. It looked like a kindergartener had crafted the dress.

He saw something in Emma's eyes glitter as she looked over to the other side of the store with the beautiful ball gowns. But, she tore her eyes away and looked back down at the polka dots. "I like this one." She lied.

Happy shook his head at her. "What are you doing?"

"What?" She cocked her head at him.

"With Tony. With this ugly dress. Are you trying to get rid of him? Do you know how many women would kill to be in your position right now?" Happy clarified.

Emma refrained from making eye contact with him. "I can only imagine." She muttered.

"If you're using him for his money--"

"If I was using him for his money I wouldn't be getting this disgusting dress." She snapped at him, her pale blue eyes darkening.

"Then why don't you get a pretty dress? Something you'd like to keep. Something not only he'd like to see you in, but something you like to see you in? I don't know what you're up to, but please, at least spare our eyes." Happy sighed.

Emma pressed her lips into a thin line. "Fine." And she marched over to the most expensive, jaw-dropping, icy blue gown.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ▹ Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now