Chapter 16: The Sorting

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Just then, Professor McGonagall returned, cutting out all chances of starting another fight.

- Move along, now. - said Professor Mcgonagall. - The Sorting's Ceremony is about to start. Form a line, and follow me.

Juliet quickly rushed to the front, while Draco and Harry just simply stood in the back.

- You alright? - Draco quietly whispered to Harry.

- To be honest, no. I'm not feeling well, but I'll live. I've been through much worse condition, this is nothing. - Harry smiled weakly.

Draco frowned. He wasn't so sure about that, but it was time to enter the Great Hall, so he had to keep quiet. However, he carefully wrapped his hand around Harry's and held it tight.

The students followed the Professor out of the chambers, back into the hall, and through a pair of double doors to enter the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was something out of a dream. It was strange and wondrous, shimmering in the light of thousands of candles floating in the air over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. At the other end of the Hall, away from the big doors, was the teachers' table. Harry could feel a watchful gaze fixed on him. It made him felt uneasy. He shuffled a bit, standing closer to Draco as they proceeded to stop in a line between two tables.

As Professor McGonagall vanished behind closed doors, Harry felt the gaze become more intense. He darted his eyes around the Hall, secretly searching for the person who was staring at him, but the gaze disappeared as the person sensed the ravenet was looking for him. Harry breathed out in relief. That gaze pierced through him like wildfire on the savanna. Dangerous. Malignant. He could hear his pulse throbbing in his ears, his heart beating fast in his chest. Trying to ease his anxiety, Harry looked upwards and saw a velvety black ceiling flaked with stars. He had read about this enchanted ceiling back at the Manor, but it was hard not to believe that the Hall didn't simply open on to the heavens. It looked surreal.

- Admiring the scenery?

Draco whispered. He was getting bored with all the waiting.

- Do you think we can cast that spell back at the Manor? - Harry signaled to the ceiling. - It will be wonderful to go to sleep under the night sky without getting cold.

- That's a really good idea. Let's tell my father when we get back.

They snapped back to reality when Professor McGonagall returned with a pretty, well, very tattered hat. All worn out, and almost in pieces. She unrolled a scroll and began calling names.

- wear that Hat and then you are sorted into your House? - Harry beamed suspiciously at the old Hat.

- Yes. You're doubting the Hat then? - Draco asked.

- I'm only curious. 

- Malfoy, Draco. - Professor McGonagall called the blonde's name. He smirked and winked at Harry:

- Then you just have to experience it yourself to believe it. Wish me luck.

Draco walked swiftly to the stool beside the stern professor and sat down. The rim of the Hat barely touched his hair when it called out:


Claps were heard from the Slytherin table when Draco stood up and proudly walked to where his friends were sitting.

After a good few more names, finally it was time for him to be sorted.

- Potter, Harry!

The Hall suddenly grew silent. The murmurs and whispers suddenly ceased, leaving Harry's footsteps echoing down the Hall. Harry could hear snipets of conversations here and there:

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