Chapter 2: The Extrication

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Harry was quite shocked when the man tapped his shoulder:

- Can you tell me the way to no. 4 Privet Drive? I need to meet someone there.

Harry looked at the man. He was wearing a dark blue robe. He was tall with long black hair and very beautiful obsidian eyes. He has a hooked nose and thin stern lips. His voice rang through the trees like a soft melodic sonate.

Harry furrowed his brows curiously:

- I live there, actually. Who do you want to meet?

The man answered:

- Harry Potter. Do you know him?

Harry smiled shyly:

- I am Harry Potter. Why do you want to meet me?

The man looked surprised as his eyes widen for a moment. Then he spoke with his velvety voice:

- I am Severus Snape, Potions professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here to guide you to the wizarding world. But first, - he looked solemnly at the boy - why are you in this state?

Harry shivered. He didn't want anyone to know about this, let alone Snape. He stuttered:

- I-It's nothing, sir. I'm fine.

Snape frowned. This was not what he had expected. He had expected an arrogant, good-for-nothing boy, not a small, broken and isolated child, just like him when he was young.

He sighed quietly. The abuse must be very horrible, otherwise Harry wouldn't refuse to tell him. He knelt down to the boy's height and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder:

- Harry, I don't know what you are thinking but I can guess that they are quite...unpleasant. I promise you I'm not going to leave you, nor hurt you in any way. I promise to be there for you, so please tell me what's wrong.

Harry looked into the man's onyx eyes. They shone a bright light of sincerity that couldn't be mistaken. He took a deep breath. Maybe he could tell Snape about it. Maybe he could protect him. And maybe, he wouldn't have to live there anymore. So, Harry gathered all his courage, and started telling his painful childhood.

After Harry finished the story, Snape was very, very still. He was shocked, speechless, dumbfounded if he could say. He didn't know that the abuse would be to this extent. He was furious at those foolish, imbecile Muggles who didn't cherish a child of Magic. He was also angry at himself. How could he bring himself to hate a fragile, innocent creature just because his father was a pain in his neck? So, he made a silent vow to watch over the not-so-Golden-Boy. He thought long and hard about it, and he decided that he must gain the position as the boy's guardian. In order to do that, he must first talk to the Muggles. He stood up, noticing a pair of nervous emerald eyes staring at him. His eyes sadden a bit. He turned to the boy and said:

- Can you take me to your Muggle relatives? I have something to tell them.

Harry noticed the sneer in Snape's words and smiled. It was good to have someone protect him. He nodded:

- Yes. Please follow me professor.

Harry got up. But before he could take a step, Snape called him:

- Harry?

- Yes, professor?

- You can called me uncle Severus if you like. - Snape pulled up his lips, just a little but it was visible to Harry. Harry chuckled:

- Of course, uncle Sev~ - he was practically singing the last few words. Snape rolled his eyes and sneered, though without any real venom:

- Little brat. Hurry up and lead the way or we won't have much time left for your shopping.

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