Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Harry groaned and tried to stretch himself in the small space of the closet. Ringing in his ears were Vernon's furious bangings and Dudley's thundering stomps, covering everything in a blanket of dust. He searched around for his glasses and then headed out for another tiredly gruesome day.

His passing years were not pleasant, horrible if he could say. A day would not end if he hadn't been beaten, either by his 'uncle', Vernon, his 'aunt', Petunia, or his 'cousin', Dudley. The three of them seemed to take turns making his life a terrible one. His uncle would beat his life out of him every time he couldn't finish his chores in a ridiculously short amount of time. Sometimes with his cane, his bare hands, or with anything he could get a hold on. The worst was with his belt, leaving Harry unconscious in his own pool of blood for hours. His barbaric doings made Dudley's more pleasant for Harry to endure, though they were still too much for a child. That pig invented a game called "Harry Hunting", in which he and his friends tried to catch Harry and beat him or make him do humiliating things, driving Harry running to the park for protection. To make matters worse, his "aunt" even encourage Dudley to "keep on with that daily exercises" of his and he should be "as handsome as a prince" in no time, which Harry doubted strongly but didn't have the courage to speak up. He still remembered having his hand burnt on the stove by Petunia, and the sickening smell emanating from it. He wouldn't want that to happen again anytime soon, thank you very much. He tried to keep his head down, but no matter how hard he tried he was still physically abused and by the time he turned 10, his body was covered with hideous scars and big patches of bruises. For a boy of his age, he was far shorter and thinner because of malnourishment. He was usually being starved. And for the past 10 years he kept wondering why he was still alive, after his parents had died. He had asked Petunia in a moment of curiosity where his parents were, and she snapped at him, telling him they died of a car crash, and said no more. Though he thought there was something wrong, he didn't have the courage to ask. He didn't want to get anymore wounds on his already wounded body.

This year, the 11th year which he spent staying here, he hoped that something, or someone, would show up on his birthday and make his life more pleasant. That was the only wish he kept muttering to himself ever since he could remember. He had read somewhere that if he wished for something with all of his heart, the wish would come true. Sure enough, his upcoming days would be a fantastic treat, but let's keep that a secret for the time being.

Harry quickly prepared himself and headed out to the kitchen. He noticed that the Dursleys hadn't apppeared out of nowhere to hit him. And that was quite strange, though. But when he stepped into the living room, he knew why: their relative, 'dear aunt' Marge, was here. One thing about the Dursleys was that they never strangle him when another person was visiting the house. Although that didn't make any big differences, (having 3 instead of 2 pigs in the house is not that big a difference), Harry was grateful that he hadn't been beaten. He started to think, just for a little while, his wish might have come true.

Harry was also feeling a little lost, seeing that no one seemed to remember his birthday. Yes, today was his birthday, July 31st. The Dursleys, of course, never looked like they remember anything about him, but he was just hoping that this year would be different, that he finally got something for his special day.

As Harry was daydreaming, a loud shout woke him up:

- Boy! Where are you?! Come over here this instant!!!

It was Petunia's. Harry immediately sprang to the kitchen, where he found his aunt standing with gloomy eyes:

- Yes, aunt Petunia?

- Set the tables, and wash these dishes NOW!!

With a light nod, Harry scrambled to work. No sooner had he finished it than Vernon, Marge and Dudley paraded into the small room. Their fat round bodies shook with every step they took. Sometimes Harry wondered why a tall thin woman as Petunia could marry a fat pig like Vernon, but he just considered it as a mystery he couldn't solve nor understand. It was too complicated for him.

The three of them took their seats, and Harry struggled to set their dishes while pushing through their fat meaty bodies. Petunia got into her seat, and started to join in the 'merry' conversation the other three were having, leaving Harry with leftovers. He ate silently, and when he was finished he cleaned his dish and carefully crept out of the house.

Harry wandered to park, letting his thoughts slipped away to an unknown world. As he walked, an owl landed on his shoulder. Harry was surprised for a moment, but quickly get to know the owl. It was a sweet little thing with fluffy gray brown feathers. It affectionately nipped his fingers and put out its legs so he could see an envelope strapped to them. Harry was astonished:

- This is...for me?

The owl nodded and tugged Harry's hair slightly, ushering him to take the envelope. He shrugged his shoulders:

- Well, if you insist.

He carefully untied the envelope and observed it for a while. On the envelope held a strange looking crest with four animals: a lion, a snake, a badger, and an eagle. It addressed Mr H Potter, The Woods, Little Whinging, Surrey. Inside was a leather parchment with beautiful handwriting in emerald ink. It went:

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Mr Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Harry was surprised. He had a place at a wizarding school? So that meant...he was a wizard? But how could he be one? He lived with near normal people, he didn't feel or see any magic, and he didn't see any wizards or witches.

But come to think of it, there were some strange things happened around him, "earning" him the name "freak". He had somehow vanished the glass of the boa constrictor's cage at the zoo, and he could talk to snakes. So he guessed he was a wizard after all. He was wanted somewhere and that was satisfying.

Just then he realized that if he didn't write back soon, he probably wouldn't be able to go to Hogwarts, the letter did say "no later than July 31". So he scrambled to his feet and started running back to the house to get some paper. But just as he got up, the owl pecked his ears and flew over to a bush. Harry took that as a signal and went over to check it out. He was pretty taken aback when he found a pile of yellowish parchment, a bunch of quills and a bottle of ink. He didn't have to return after all. He shrugged his shoulders and began writing his letter:

Dear Headmistress,
I would be more than happy to attend Hogwarts. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Harry James Potter

Harry blew at the parchment and wondered if it was appropriate enough. After some moment of consideration, he rolled it up and tied it to the owl's legs. He gently patted its back and the owl flew away. He kept gazing at the owl until it was out of sight.

Harry breathed out a long sigh and slipped down under a tree. He thought about the letter and what it meant. He was so lost in his thought that he didn't notice a rustle in a bush, nor did he see a tall, pale man emerged from the shadows of the trees.


Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic so please forgive me if I get something wrong. Also, I'm not from an English-speaking country so my grammar and spellings won't be correct all the time. But all in all, please enjoy my story!!! ☺️😚❤️💜💙

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