Chapter 11: Down Memory Lane

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Snape was standing in a dark long narrow hallway. Even though he had been through a lot of things, he still felt a chill ran down his spine. Something about the hallway made him anxious.

Yet despite his fear, he walked carefully along the hallway, inspecting every nook and cranny. The hallway contained numerous doors, each was made from different materials, Severus could even see a door made from clouds, sunset clouds. They were very magnificent, unfortunately the clouds were bounded by sets of golden chains, each link was as thick as a baby's wrist. Severus tried to touch them, but the chains stung him badly. His hand was numb for a whole minute before he could move it again. He furrowed his brows and began to work on how to undo Dumbledore's doings.

The process was painstakingly slow. The fact that Dumbledore had a wide range of knowledge made it difficult for Severus to find the exact spell to reverse the effects. He tried, and tried, and tried. But the chains didn't budge one bit. He slumped down on the floor, tired. He had almost used all of his magic, and he only had enough to cast one last spell. He took a deep breath, pointed his wand to the chains and mumbled quietly:

- Expecto Patronum.

A blinding stream of white light burst out of the tip of his wand, circling in the air before forming into the shape of a snake. The snake hissed and threw itself at the chains, breaking them into pieces.

Severus was amazed. He didn't believe that a simple spell like the Patronus Charm (simple to a professor like him, of course) could break Dumbledore's complicated curse. But anyways, the curse was broken, so he didn't have to think about it any longer. Watching the chains turned into dust, Snape whispered:

- I am not going to let you destroy my only family.

He looked at the cloud door in front of him:

- Be prepared, Albus. Be prepared to pay for your wrongdoings.

He muttered menacingly.

After that, Snape turned the door knob and stepped inside.


Dumbledore suddenly sat up in the middle of the night, his forehead was covered in cold sweat. He breathed heavily. "Was it just a dream?", he asked himself. He had seen Snape undo his curse and regained his memories. "But that was impossible!", he thought. The Obliteration Curse was flawless, except for the fact that the caster couldn't supervise the victim after the memory chains were secured. But all in all, the curse was known to have no reverse spells, so how could Snape break it?

Dumbledore was at a deadend. If he verified the dream, he could give away clues for Snape to figure out his mind had been tampered with, and that was too risky. But if he didn't do anything, the dream could come true and his plan to kill Tom Riddle would be a waste of time. His life could also be in danger.

He stood up and paced around the room, trying to find a solution to the problem he probably had to face. For a while there, it all seemed stuck, but then it hit him. He quickly got out a piece of parchment and started writing furiously.

When he had finished, Dumbledore called for Fawks, his family's phoenix. Unfortunately, the bird was in the middle of its resurrection, so it couldn't do any errands for him. Dumbledore grunted. He muttered angrily:

- Stupid bird. Always do this when I need it most. But no worries, - he whistled and a brown grey owl, the same owl that gave Hadrian his letter, flew to his side and he tied the letter to its claws, - I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts. The school provides me with everything I need. Now fly, and safe travels. Make sure it is delivered into James' hands.

The owl fluttered off, yet a strange light twinkled in its eyes. The owl flew for a good five minutes or so, then changed direction towards a huge château situated in the middle of a desolated coniferous forest.

A tall man, dressed in black, was waiting for the owl. He was very healthy looking, comparing to his appearance. Moonlight reflected on his black hair. The owl obediently landed on the man's arms and nipped his fingers affectionately. The man gently pet the owl and untied the message. He glanced at the parchment only to laugh sarcastically:

- Dumbledore had overestimated Potter's intelligence. - He sneered and pulled out a sly smile. - Thankfully that he had made the first move, I am getting very bored.

The man then scribbled some more things onto the parchment, rolled it up again and tied it to the owl's legs.

- I have to rely on you again, my dear assistant. - He caressed the bird's feathers. - A few more months and then you can stand by me openly. But for now, - he flung the bird to the air, - be patient.

The owl left the grand château and flew into night.


In a room at the Leaky Cauldron, a man and a small boy, too thin for his age, sat quietly while looking at the pale man lying on a sofa.

- When is he going to wake up? It's almost 5 hours... - Hadrian drawled. He was getting tired. Thanks to the blood connection between him and his father, Hadrian could keep an eye on Severus' condition. Luckily, there wasn't anything to worry about so Hadrian could complain freely. If Severus was in the opposite state, he would have rushed to the hospital and dragged a Healer back here, and Lucius wouldn't be reading in comfort like this.

Lucius closed his book and put it down with a deep "thud". He heavily sighed, his hands massaging his temples. He spoke frustratingly:

- Hadrian, this is the fifth time you ask this question. Stop squirming and be patient, or I'll send you back to the Manor.

Hadrian whined:

- Fine, I won't make a sound... But for your information, I'm getting worried. If Sev isn't going to wake up soon, I will call for a Healer.

Lucius sighed, his hands supporting his head:

- I know. Now stop speaking and stay still for a moment.

Hadrian huffed, but stayed silent otherwise.

Suddenly, there was an abrupt movement where Severus was lying. Lucius and Hadrian immediately stood up and rushed towards Snape's side. They saw him moved a bit, then his eyes fluttered open.

- You're finally awake! - Hadrian exclaimed and hugged Severus tightly. - You were unconscious for so long that I was getting so worried.

Snape was flustered because of Hadrian's sudden emotional burst. He awkwardly patted Hadrian's head and gently pulled him off, relieving him from Hadrian's weight. He gently patted his head:

- I missed you too, Hadrian.

Hadrian stopped. He instantly looke up. His green red eyes stared straight into Snape's obsidian ones as if looking for something. In those eyes he saw what he had been yearning for years: love. He bowed his head, tears of happiness were threatening to fall. He had never felt like this before. Was it because that he had lost hope somewhere along the way, and only hoped to take life as it came? Maybe. Maybe...

The flower of hope had silently bloomed inside of Hadrian's heart.


Hello readers! Sorry for not updating soon, I was just so tired after my trip to Con Island a.k.a Côn Đảo. The boat was tiring, I got seasick because of it 😑😐 Anyways, hope you like my story! 💜💜❤️❤️💙💙💚💚

P.S. Please take some time listening to the song I've chosen. I really want to share it to you 😊😁💜💚💙❤️

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